Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] to me in the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Only one thing of importance happened to me in the Argentine .
2 Leaving aside the phrase that the hon. Gentleman attributed to me in the early part of his question , I can reassure him that the budget for the health service will be £3.7 billion , an increase of £342 million , or 10.1 per cent .
3 ( 'They said to me in the shop , ’ she 'd said to Anna , ‘ they said did I want the one with a little man on or not .
4 My father read to me in the evening , something I looked forward to enormously .
5 ‘ A man spoke to me in the graveyard , ’ Ruth announced , as they ate at the table .
6 Wilde 's transgressive aesthetic simultaneously confirmed and exploited this inextricable connection between the sexual and the ( apparently ) non-sexual , between sexual perversion and social subversion , and does so through Wilde 's own version of that connection : ‘ what paradox was to me in the sphere of thought , perversity became to me in the sphere of passion ’ ( Wilde , De Profundis , 466 ) .
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