Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] a [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We have a real chance in the lifetime of the next parliament to see an end to the hunting of live animals with dogs for fun . ’
2 Employees should be given every opportunity to acquire a stake in the business for which they work .
3 The cykesound became a speck on the road , and grew bigger as it approached .
4 The agency has applied to the Scottish Office for permission to erect a barrier across the mouth of the dock which is used by local fishermen to unload their catches and berth their boats .
5 It is said that the vicar fell out with the church when , some years after his children 's deaths , he was denied permission to erect a monument in the churchyard .
6 The conviction that what moves men is money became a commandment among the Left of the labour movement during the unprecedented waves of industrial militancy in the 1960s and 1970s .
7 ‘ That you ’ Can be proved by the officer dealing with the case proving an admission by the accused that he was the person concerned .
8 I have been lucky to secure European Community funding to attend a conference on the proposed EC Coastal Directive , being run by the European Environmental Bureau in Copenhagen over the 1st and 2nd of May .
9 By transferring the means of production to state ownership , nationalisation represents a broadening of the scope of economic calculation beyond the limited horizon of private profit .
10 Research conducted by a team at Bristol University asked a sample of the population in London what weekly income they thought was necessary to stay out of poverty .
11 This outcome can be predicted if it is allowed that a change of context causes changes in α to be determined solely or largely by events on the immediately preceding trial ( i.e. if contextual change produced an increase in the value of γ in equation 3.2 above ) .
12 Lucien Hendrickse sadding a plant during the comp in 1986 .
13 Thus the writer became a participant in the direct market process of the sale of his work .
14 If the execution is abortive , the creditor receives a bill from the sheriff 's officer for work done ( £15 to £35 ) , and should insist on a full report about the debtor .
15 The section enables a licensing board to suspend a licence on the ground that the licence-holder is no longer a fit and proper person , or that the premises cause undue public nuisance or are a threat to public order or safety ( subs .
16 Each of the other fundamental rights reveals an aspect of the value of private autonomy , whereas , in contrast , a right to enforce a contract involves an assertion of the justice of commandeering state power to curtail economic liberty and restrict autonomy .
17 Though it was not the first hostile bid — Charles Clore and Isaac Wolfson beat it by several years — the aluminium battle was a prototype for future bids in which a buyer made an offer to the shareholders of a listed firm against the wishes of its managers .
18 Oakeshott suggests that each mode of experience constitutes a self-contradiction since the aim it pursues contradicts the criterion of coherence it implicitly acknowledges .
19 Doubts about their availability arose last week , when the German Hockey Board announced an alteration to the Bundesliga season because of the 1994 European Nations Cup .
20 Impressed with Stan 's success rate Dr Panchen offered to employ him as a collector of specimens for the University using a grant from the National Environmental Research Council .
21 During the sixteenth century Myddle was essentially a society consisting of numerous smallholders and a few large farmers , but from the second half of Elizabeth 's reign onwards poor immigrants came into the parish in search of labouring work and the opportunity to erect a cottage in the woods or on the manorial wastes .
22 Last August there seemed a breakthrough , when the European Parliament commissioned a report into the dispute .
23 At the request of the central personnel team , the Data Processing Branch produced a listing from the Payroll Master File .
24 It was in this state when a team consisting of six men from Scott 's base camp made an ascent of the volcano in December 1912 , with a geologist , Raymond Priestley , in the lead .
25 Second , whereas a rejection of the goods supplied under a contract of sale entitles the buyer to claim a refund of the price , if already paid , termination of a contract for work and materials or for services will normally only entitle the innocent party to claim damages for the breach .
26 The 1825 parliament became a form for the discussion of national grievances and Count István offered a year 's income from his estates for the foundation of an Academy of Sciences .
27 AN Italian admiral laid a wreath at the Cenotaph in Valletta yesterday in a gesture of reconciliation for the part played by Mussolini 's air force in the Axis onslaught on Malta 50 years ago .
28 In any case the resolution of the party conference of 1943 gave Hugh Dalton , who was on the side of the ‘ anti-Germans ’ , and was chairman of the party 's International Committee , the opportunity to draft a statement on the ‘ International Post-war Settlement ’ emphasising German responsibility for the war and the need for her to pay reparations to the Allies .
29 Obviously , damages for future loss bear no interest ; on the contrary , their assessment involves a discount for the early receipt of a lump sum representing successive future losses .
30 On Oct. 3 , 1989 , the Justice Ministry made an appeal for the public to provide evidence which would allow prosecutions for " Stalinist crimes " to begin .
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