Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] just [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Mandera refugee camp sits just inside the Kenyan border with Somalia .
2 It was an old concrete pillbox built just before the last war to house a gun covering the firth , and it stuck in the sand like a big grey tooth .
3 Wycliffe 's head and neck came just above the plaited cane at the back of the chair .
4 The election arrived just at the right time .
5 The departments either reported to a finance director or planning director on the main board or a planning director positioned just below the main board but as a member of an executive committee .
6 The scales on the disk extend just into the dorsal edge of the disk , the ventral interradial areas are naked except for a few scales next to the genital slit .
7 A thick tapestry hung just above the small canopied fireplace , the floor had been polished smooth , and the great bed was covered by a gold-tasselled counterpane .
8 The discomfort would go , and it did , and he slid down , his head resting just above the thick lace of foam .
9 I joined him in gazing at the large red lump forming just below the joint and we mused together .
10 The trouble flared just before the final whistle when Maradona tried to stop a Cadiz defender intervening in a dispute over a foul .
11 Video pictures capable of reproducing flight conditions and any city skyline or airport in the world are projected onto windshields to make a flight seem just like the real thing .
12 In the first row Joseph spotted Tran Van Hieu 's father standing just behind the two red-robed royal princes who were to lead the annual act of homage .
13 The cell block stood just off the L-shaped charge room , a corridor almost completely without daylight .
14 William Blogg , whose brewery disappeared just before the First World War , is one of a whole host of East End brewers whose names live on , even if they no longer brew .
15 Not for him the promise of jam tomorrow or a brave , new world waiting just around the next bank overdraft .
16 The music , so akin to the lighting , was familiar to me , yet only just above audibility , as the lighting hovered just above the visible end of the spectrum .
17 Only after the event was over did we discover that he had in fact contributed to a booklet produced just before the 1987 general election by the Society of Conservative Lawyers .
18 It was a two-storey white house nestling just within the last gentle curve up to the headland .
20 His father , Drew , started Langholm Dyeing Works just after the Second World War .
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