Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] as [pers pn] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Maria 's heart clenched as she slanted a look at his grim countenance .
2 Most of the shops seemed already to be closed and her heart sank as she identified the unlit frontage of number seventeen .
3 Her heart sank as she remembered the phone call which for the first time began to make sense .
4 My heart sank as he made a note of it .
5 The driver stiffened as he felt the gun muzzle jab him in the small of his back through the upholstery of the seat .
6 Dumping the monster hide as I reached the bottom of the shaft , I hurried away along some disused-looking passages , by then moving on bootless , bare and blistered feet .
7 Nicolo 's mouth twisted as he watched the show , for that was certainly what it was , one in which the women were as much for sale as were the clothes .
8 The walls seem to meet overhead to block out the sky and a chill wind blows as we approach the impasse at the head of the gully .
9 Coasting over the top our weight reduces as I relax the back pressure .
10 His mouth stretched as he aimed the thin jet down his throat amid clapping and stamping .
11 The tension rises as they sense the difference .
12 Suddenly the boat dipped as it hit a swell and she staggered , cannoning heavily against Luke before reeling towards the rail .
13 The horrific headless figure disappeared as it reached the foot of the steps .
14 He watched the body hit in a spray of snow then turned away , the roar of the wind abating as he drew the hatch closed behind him .
15 His mouth tightened as he discerned the slight turn of her lips .
16 Waqar , relieved after only one over with the new ball , came on for the 17th over and soon caused umpire Shepherd to scowl as he bounced the ball into Atherton 's left arm and Smith 's helmet .
17 The tension heightened as we crossed the border .
18 Leonora gripped a rail with white-knuckled hands when the boat bucked as it met the wilder waters of the sound .
19 I 'll see you in Disneyland , ’ the defendant said as he left the court .
20 Travis 's chest expanded as he took a deep breath .
21 Each LIFESPAN Process requires a minimum of 4500 blocks for the database files , which will of course grow as you use the LIFESPAN Process .
22 The first crag seen as you enter the valley is Buckbarrow Crag — a mere ten minutes from the car ( yes , I know it looks further but trust me ) .
23 Her gaze flickered as he replaced the receiver .
24 But , with Piers there , she watched instead as they worked together , Simone quickly preparing the garlic butter , and making the salad dressing as he chopped the lettuce .
25 The names and addresses of these bureaux are listed in Appendix I. A Green Card furnished at frontiers ensures smooth passage establishing as it does the existence of a country 's compulsory motor insurance .
26 At the Italian Open in Rome in May his suffering showed as he watched the family breadwinner losing to Amanda Croetzer who Jennifer was expected to breeze past on her way to more glory .
27 The mad boy screams as he chases the male nurses down the damp corridors .
28 His gaze narrowed as he held the door open .
29 The sun westered as she passed the gutted farm that had now been pulled down .
30 JOHN WRIGHT hit an unbeaten 38 to became the first New Zealander to score 5,000 Test runs as he steered the Kiwis towards a draw against Sri Lanka in Colombo yesterday .
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