Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [adv prt] from [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The man in white is thin and wiry with flashing black eyes and black hair sticking out from under the cap , wild looking .
2 The navigator 's seat swings out from beneath the chart table when in use .
3 A saleswoman came out from behind the counter and asked if she could help .
4 When the sun came out from behind the fog , the world turned golden and beautiful .
5 Val Gardena often gives second-rank skiers a chance of top 15 because the sun pops out from behind the huge massif of Sassolungo and warms and quickens the piste .
6 The Teds were instantly recognised as symptomatic of the new ‘ classless ’ society and the ‘ affluent ’ breeze blowing in from across the Atlantic , a feeling that was massively reinforced by the wave of cinema riots that greeted the arrival of Bill Haley 's Rock Around the Clock in Britain .
7 At the ‘ Enquiries ’ desk a young man with a strange , flattened haircut looked up from behind the counter .
8 A figure in a brown shirt stepped out from behind the bushes and stooping , picked up the leaflets that Fred had left lying on his jacket .
9 His head sticking out from underneath the blankets .
10 The crew swam out from under the canoe and attached themselves to the upturned hull .
11 Wolves may not howl here in the moonlight , as they did in the journal of Jonathan Harker , but I have no difficulty in seeing Slains as he saw Count Dracula 's castle in Bukovina , the tall black windows from which not a glimmer of light came , and the jagged battlements glimpsed when the moon came out from behind the fitful clouds .
12 His head nodded up from among the pink clover flowers .
13 Well , when that thing in the mask jumped out from behind the boxes and ran up the stairs , I had exactly the same feeling .
14 A trickle of water seeping out from under the rocks had damped the red clay of which the track was composed , making an ideal surface for the impression of tracks .
15 Just then , a big grey wolf stepped out from behind the large green plant .
16 Smoke curled up from beneath the hand .
17 Then in the lake an old man came up from under the water and took a great scoopful of water and drank deeply .
18 Of a sudden , the Harlequin man sprang up from behind the dune beyond .
19 As I drew nearer , a man stepped out from behind the Golf .
20 We had only gone a few steps when a voice called out from across the street .
21 The cold evening air washing in from off the water chilled his face , freshened him .
22 There was a loud echo in the grounds of Wyvis Hall , Mary 's scream ringing back from off the wood and walls and starry waters , and Rufus , a town dweller who had never spent much time in the countryside , expected alarmed or annoyed people to arrive or the disconnected phone to start shrilling with complaints .
23 ‘ Do n't say a word ! ’ cried a terrible voice , as a man jumped up from among the graves and caught hold of me .
24 A grey thing came out from behind the tree and came towards me .
25 They were n't alone ; and then the next thought was that Sandy must have come up from below and was now standing on the quay , but then that thought died as what he 'd taken for her shadow came out from under the stairway .
26 The Doctor looked around from under the stairwell when the alarm began hooting , but saw nothing .
27 Through the window , Carl saw a man in a white coat run out from under the plane with something that looked like a grenade in his hand .
28 When I was walking past the marsh one , one night , when I was on my way back from school I heard a rus rustling noise behind a bu bush , when I went up the , went up first to the bush a big dragon-like thing jumped out from behind the bush , it gave me such a fright I nearly fainted .
29 And you know the bit where erm she 's in bed and the hand comes out from behind the pillow and it goes over the back of her head and she goes , she goes , she was so cute she goes , she goes , what a pile of shit ! and when , you know when she cleans up all the cornflakes ?
30 The attendant clambered out from behind the counter , one of his colleagues taking his place .
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