Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [prep] [noun prp] [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 Democratic leaders in Congress have been wounded and baffled by the fight picked by President Bush over his promised cut in capital gains taxes .
2 The club negotiated with Limerick City over the weekend .
3 ‘ The tremendous progress made at Wembley Stadium over the past five years is very impressive and is much admired in France , where it was recently described in glowing terms as ‘ La Tempe du Football ’ , ’ said Lionel Dreksler , director of the French national stadium .
4 IAN WRIGHT last night apologised to Arsenal supporters over his derby day clash with Tottenham 's David Howells and claimed : ‘ I 've never hurt anyone . ’
5 The family 's difficulties arise from a libel case brought by Lord Aldington over allegations about his conduct in repatriating Russian Cossacks after the Second World War .
6 After the uproar created by Nicholas Tolstoy over the Cossack repatriations , the fringe groups had been taken very seriously .
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