Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [prep] [noun] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The US State Department said on Tuesday it suspected Serbian arms destined for Somalia were on the ship which was apparently heading for Kenya .
2 You will appreciate there is n't much point in training a bird to do this if every time you enter a different environment or a stranger comes into view it becomes hysterical .
3 Despite the involvement of the BBC in its establishment , when broadcasting began in Tanganyika it came under direct government control through the Social Development Department .
4 In computing its ACT liability , the company can offset tax credits on dividends it receives from other UK companies ( s 241 ) .
5 Yet here too the government was careful to reserve the right to deal with cases it considered politically dangerous through administrative action outside the control of the courts .
6 When the inquiry went to Cardiff it did more than cross the Severn Bridge .
7 When the thyristor triggers into conduction it presents a virtual short-circuit across Zener diode D4 ( which has held the base voltage of the pnp transistor TR3 at a cutoff level of 3.3V ) and so pulls the base down sufficiently to switch TR3 on .
8 The process avoids any rough measures , simply calling for providing the department with a prepublication copy of any paper based on research it supported .
9 What this arrangement lacks in privacy it gains in congeniality .
10 It is not surprising that as opera spread over Europe it tended to preserve its original language , resisting the various vernaculars .
11 But when I was there there were once one instant is er er the man on watch in the morning he spotted a floating mine come in right down to close to the rock and er er it anchored just about er er a quarter of a mile or maybe two hundred yards off the rock off the tower and er of well when a mine anchors of course it becomes er alive .
12 As Henry 's army advanced towards Mantes it burned and looted everything which lay in its path .
13 Well it means , you see , apparently Geoff 's done all the air braking at Calpers it means that Neil can actually some of the time , be here rather
14 He said , however , that the commission had a legal obligation to respond to complaints it received , as in the case of Strathclyde , and had already taken steps to evaluate the substance of the complaint .
15 If the bull passed into Derbyshire it remained the property of the donor .
16 But I wish to relate to the council a particular episode , which I hope will convey something to those people who are perhaps still wavering erm , and whilst we all have principle stands on issues it behoves us as members to consider the views of our constituents and the sorts of things that take place in our wards .
17 But the company accepts in effect it has just five weeks to find half a million pounds .
18 When a newly freed prisoner arrived at Bohorok it underwent a six-week quarantine .
19 Each time a bird dives for food it becomes coated in oil , and birds are continually ingesting it " , he said .
20 When the Labour party speaks of incentives it means subsidies .
21 After Wilfrid 's eventual return north , although Christianity stayed in Sussex it seems to have formed one of the less distinguished and lively dioceses of the English church , closely tied to the features and experience of the county generally but not emerging to direct secular life .
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