Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [noun sg] of the same " in BNC.

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1 However , recall of the preceding clause ( clause 2 ) varied depending on whether or not that clause formed part of the same sentence as the most recent clause .
2 However , when the preceding clause and the last-heard clause formed part of the same sentence ( as in version ( a ) ) , recall scores for the preceding clause were 81 per cent .
3 It so happened that the crossing sweeper had blood of the same group as this rich Brahmin lady .
4 A property which was neither helping — as a qualifier forming part of the same noun phrase — to identify that entity , nor ascribable to any entity within the sentence , and which was not simply adverbially qualifying the verb , would have no convincing reason for appearing in the sentence at all .
5 Robin Horton , in a widely cited article on African systems of thought ( 1967 ) , likewise attempted to break down the elements of scientific thinking in order to demonstrate that so-called ‘ primitive ’ peoples such as the Azande did in fact make use of the same elements of thought , although applied to different content .
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