Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [det] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But the enthusiasm so often expressed in favour of change produced little movement within the industry .
2 The economy of London is suffering dreadfully in this second Conservative recession , and we should have an opportunity to debate that matter in the House as soon as possible .
3 He was thus encouraged to believe that the Cambridge Board entertained some doubt over the strength of its case for unilateral action and was therefore anxious to reach a negotiated agreement with the WEA prior to making any application for additional Chapter III providing powers .
4 The monumentally crass decision to include this item in the Environment Bill reflects badly on the judgement of ministers and the competence of their advisers .
5 I once attempted to read his first book , Alex Through The Looking Glass , but stumbled and fell at page 10 where the Hurricane made this observation on the subject of literature : ‘ My favourite read is Robert Ludlum .
6 He had decided to leave Alston and Thesiger there with the wireless truck to observe any activity in the fortifications .
7 A welfare ideology develops this function beyond the narrow , protective remit of the residual model to encompass rehabilitation and prevention ( Hardiker , 1981 ) .
8 This provision has most application in the area of whole agreement ( or entire agreement ) clauses which limit the bounds of the relationship of the parties to the particular contract in question .
9 But although explanations of this kind provide some understanding of the class struggle , it is clear that Poulantzas does not regard them as enough .
10 All data is entered through pen input and there is an initial training period , during which the user writes each letter of the alphabet and the digits on the screen .
11 On the other hand , the marriage does not itself have support from wider society : ‘ There is less pressure for a couple to stay together because their break-up has little impact outside the domestic sphere and causes fewer ripples than it would in a society where kinship is more central to the wider social organization ’ ( Allan , 1985 , p. 104 ) .
12 The new computer has some state of the art fibre optic channels as well as the conventional copper ones but these will not initially be used and will come into play as new device types are acquired in the future .
13 The bricklaying course has some interchange with a local college and the prison instructor , surrounded by test pieces his charges had made ( ornate archways , window frames and decorative walls ) took pride in recalling that the prison ‘ pupils ’ often outshone their tree counterparts .
14 After all , a fox being pursued to ground by a pack of baying dogs to the point of sheer exhaustion and possibly ravaged to pieces in their final kill has little option of a prior engagement .
15 This pull has little effect on the land but is strong enough to move the waters .
16 Under s665(2) , a settlement shall not be deemed to be revocable by reason only : ( a ) that it contains a provision under which any income or assets will or may become payable to or applicable for the benefit of the settlor , or the wife or husband of the settlor , on the bankruptcy of the settlor 's child or in the event of an assignment of or charge on that income or those assets being executed by the settlor 's child ; or ( b ) that it provides for the determination of the settlement by the act or on the default of any person in such a manner that the determination will not , during the lifetime of the settlor 's child , benefit the settlor or the wife or husband of the settlor ; or ( c ) in the case of a settlement to which section 33 of the Trustee Act 1925 applies , that it directs income to be held for the benefit of the settlor 's child on protective trusts , unless the trust period is a period less than the life of the child or the settlement specifies some event on the happening of which the child would , if the income were payable during the trust period to him absolutely during that period , be deprived of the right to receive all or part of the income .
17 This column has already reported an addition to Matthew Hall 's family and now it gives me pleasure to report another addition at the Dodge Chemical Company — but this time its not another birth , it is the news that Adrian Haler 's daughter , Patricia Lewis joined the company on August 17th .
18 Erm , and it is not my intention to implement that minute at the moment , because I think it relates purely to a London situation .
19 The training committee was wound up by Vic Machin , the chairman and the BMC secretary Derek Walker some months ago — but they have yet to inform the committee : a clear snub to the many volunteers who banged their heads against a wall with only limited success for a dozen years in a genuine attempt to impart some credibility to the BMC 's involvement in mountain training .
20 THE recently expanded sales force met each other for the first time in September at their autumn sales meeting .
21 Visits to Hungary and Czechoslovakia by Soares in late 1989 indicated an intention to acquire some influence in the transformed Eastern Europe and to seize fresh economic opportunities .
22 The industry made much play of the fact that the flask survived virtually unscathed .
23 It is , perhaps , possible that the office was created in an attempt to impose some organization on the traditionally unorganized function of that the Mufti was one whose opinion was in some way considered superior to that of other muftis and who , perhaps , was responsible for the appointment of lesser muftis .
24 Bryan Wilson ( 1970 ) has contributed some very useful sub-divisions of the sect category and various sociologists have tried to classify the new religions that have emerged during the second half of the present century in an attempt to find some order in the enormous variety of beliefs , practices and organisations that are manifested in these movements ( eg Beckford , 1985 ; Wallis , 1983 ) .
25 There were few dramatic new developments during October in the Gulf crisis as such , the continuing build-up of the United States-dominated military response taking place against a background of diplomatic activity , of which the most notable feature was an apparently unsuccessful Soviet attempt to find some basis for a peace initiative .
26 With a check , the pianist has more control over the action of the piano and is offered a greater dynamic range .
27 Tents , marquees , conservatories , umbrellas , awnings and covered walkways are all used within the hotel and leisure industry to provide more space in an attractive and cost-effective way , as and of Pagoda Space Covers Ltd explain .
28 Work experience for teachers will help them to plan work experience for students as an integrated part of the curriculum rather than an add-on to provide some relief for the teacher but of little advantage to the student and an inconvenience for business .
29 ‘ Yet , ’ Moreau was saying , ‘ I suppose you could say a soldier has more need of a religious faith than most .
30 Consequently readmission has little future as a general indicator of outcome , even though the increasing ease with which this index may be calculated by using computerized patient admission data bases is a strong attraction .
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