Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [vb pp] away [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As the fashion for hair has moved away from the hard , artificial post-punk era towards more natural styles , the emphasis has been on hair care products that promote softness and shine .
2 ‘ The cannabis field has moved away from the drug abuse side of things .
3 ‘ Your Mummy has gone away for a long time ’ usually only serves to leave the child frightened but feeling the anxiety of the adults all around which forbids further discussion .
4 However , suffering from badly-burned fingers , the venture capital industry has moved away from the riskier entrepreneurial start-ups to investing more in developing companies and MBOs .
5 The blood gets washed away in the morning so there 's no evidence to suggest a crime ever took place .
6 If the hammer had pointed away from the player , the check would not have worked .
7 Er some neighbours cut each other 's lawn while they 're away so the grass does n't grow too long and make sure that the mail 's moved away from the letter box .
8 It should be noted that owing to the increase in size and complexity of modern business , the development of computer systems and the requirement that an auditor should review transactions over a period to report on the profit and loss account , the modern practice of auditing has moved away from a detailed checking of a mass of individual items towards a review of the systems in operation .
9 And , if anyone needed further proof of guilt after that , Alex Household had run away from the scene of the crime .
10 He says a boy had gone away for a weekend and had come back to the school with the tablets and then sold them .
11 Attention has turned away from the national work force to their managers , as Mrs Thatcher 's told British businessmen ; they 're earning too much .
12 If the sponge part has worn down ( it should be nice and springy and approximately one centimetre deep all the way along ) , or if the foam has worn away from the metal piece holding it , you need a new one .
13 At the West end of the Church a beam has moved away from the wall by nine inches .
14 ‘ We 've just been through a decade where we watched surface responsibility get peeled away from a lot of people and institutions . ’
15 Many of these weaknesses will emerge more clearly in later chapters , where we shall see how powerfully the pendulum has swung away from the position of Liberal Theology in recent generations , at least among the leaders and pioneers of theological thinking .
16 In recent years emphasis has moved away from the teaching of ‘ craft ’ skills such as cookery and sewing towards the development of a range of practical and organisational skills which will enable young people to cope with the demands of living in constantly changing social and economic conditions .
17 When he returned to his room Coleridge was mortified to discover that ‘ though he still retained some vague and dim recollection of the general purport of the vision , yet , with the exception of some eight or ten scattered lines and images , all the rest had passed away like the images on the surface of a stream into which a stone has been cast … ’
18 ‘ I sometimes think it 's amazing that anyone ever laughs at anything , ’ said Lydia when the cortège had gone away down the lane .
19 When the last notes of the anthem had faded away on the moaning wind , Jinkwa shuffled forward .
20 ‘ Oh — it 's my son — he 's got cystic fibrosis , and my wife 's gone away for a few days with a friend for a break .
21 It was sent to Alison 's brother , Mark , and implied that she and their father had gone away for a break as both were suffering from depression .
22 But time and tide and neglect had eaten away at the structure so that even at low tide , with the slabs fully exposed , crossing would be tricky .
23 The sex had drifted away after a while , and Jay did n't mind ; not in that end-of-the-world Astrid way .
24 The man had run away with the fear and speed of an animal , graceful rather than awkward .
25 The target and the man had walked away up a tree-lined road .
26 Plaster had come away from the walls from ceiling to floor , and along the lower part the bared cement , originally grey , was stained yellow and smelt of urine .
27 Mark 's voice had trailed away to a whisper .
28 Fashion has moved away from the big , glitzy authors because all that conspicuous consumption is just not admirable or enviable any more , ’ he said .
29 After the cream and brown Bedford bus had trundled away up the road Constance walked back to the house .
30 The show was over , the audience had drifted away to a reception room where they would be further wooed with a glass of champagne and a selection of canapes and nibbles and Paula , dressed now in one of her own suits , smart black barathea , had emerged from the dressing rooms to meet the waiting Sally and Edward .
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