Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [coord] [verb] [prep] one " in BNC.

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1 He whipped off the rag which the wind caught and blew against one of the spiked heads .
2 When you have reached the lees , leave the pot on the table with the lid overturned or tilted to one side .
3 Aggie glanced at Ben ; then her head drooped and wobbled from one side to the other before she said , ‘ Well , if you do n't mind , miss . ’
4 But in fact very few can resist the urge to stop and sit in one of the small road side restaurants and simply soak up the atmosphere .
5 Studying in Edinburgh provides a student with an opportunity to live and work in one of the most attractive cities in the country .
6 I have seen snapshots of her arms extending cigarette lighters , her lips painted seamlessly in China red matt , each eyebrow plucked and lined with one rich stroke of a black pencil , false lashes on her eyes , ‘ twinkle ’ blue kohl beneath and drawn at a tilt .
7 Mr. Armitage [ junior counsel for the plaintiff ] suggested that clause ( b ) applies only to a mistake made by the officials in the Registry and not to a mistake made or induced by one or other of the parties .
8 ‘ The holiday we were featuring was a Sovereign Cities ‘ Away-Day ’ to Amsterdam and , as we had a lot to see and do in one day , we had to set out early .
9 The dorsal arm plates are scallop shaped and separated from one another .
10 The Law Commission pointed out in a report in April that the use of computers has greatly facilitated the ability to plan and implement in one country a fraud that has its deleterious effect in another .
11 Subscribers can also save themselves £275 if they pay up early : they will have their BBC selector or decoder installed and maintained for one year at the site of their choice for free .
12 The most harmful effects are that groups develop competing or conflicting goals , and lose their ability to communicate and cooperate with one another ,
13 There 's scores of Central South folk heading for Wales this weekend to ride and run in one of the great adventure races … its the annual Horse v Man V Mountain Bike challenge … local people have won the race for the last five years … and you can if the winning run or ride continues when we bring you the highlights on Monday …
14 Then they did the whole thing all over again without stirrups , and all the time talking and shouting to one another .
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