Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [adv] be [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 The DNA technique has already been used to spectacular effect , even trapping a murderer .
2 There is a rapidly growing body of literature supporting the efficacy of MRI for evaluating patients with bone marrow malignancy , and the technique has already been shown to be highly sensitive for detecting bone marrow metastases even in the absence of abnormal pain radiographs , conventional computed tomograms and radionuclide studies .
3 Instead , Sisson maintains that the real reason is that in Britain multi-employer bargaining has increasingly been found to be incapable of performing what employers regard as its major function , namely the neutralisation of the workplace from the activities of trade unions .
4 Why the Scots in general , and the sea-fishermen in particular , should have put up with this monstrous injustice is hard to understand , but the insult has now been compounded to a degree which surely demands some national response .
5 A new extra-statutory concession has also been published to the effect that the Board of Inland Revenue will accept group relief claims signed by a person the company has authorised to make the claim , except where a liquidator has been appointed .
6 Greater responsibility has therefore been passed to us to take care of the day-to-day logistics involved with offshore work .
7 A £5,000 donation has also been made to the Barrow scanner appeal by the Sellafield Snowball committee .
8 In Britain much of the area has been glaciated and even the unglaciated part has certainly been subjected to tundra conditions and solifluxion ( see Chapter 15 ) during the Pleistocene .
9 The whole board has previously been exposed to UV light .
10 In the 1970s a series of controlled trials compared the drug with other neuroleptics , and whereas no other drug has ever been shown to be more effective than chlorpromazine ( Largactil ) , clozapine was found to be so in six out of thirteen studies .
11 The monk tells him that the money has already been returned to the wife .
12 The money has now been sent to Portman Square for inclusion in Guinness PLC 's ‘ double your fundraising ’ offer .
13 The International Air Transport Association has also been held to be subject to the EC competition rules for the same reason .
14 Garlic extract has also been shown to be a valuable first line of defence against oral thrush .
15 Recourse has also been made to other external bodies outside the formal machinery of negotiation .
16 It is interesting that although no one suggests that there actually was a ‘ standard English ’ in Early ME times , the doctrine of uniformity has nevertheless been applied to ME .
17 This car has now been sent to the North East England Open Air Museum at Beamish for restoration as open-top car 31 .
18 Seismic confirmation has since been extended to other areas ( Cook et al. 1981 ; Iverson and Smithson 1983 ; Brown et al. 1983 ) .
19 SHARON SHANNON , whose debut solo album has just been released to great critical acclaim , embarks on an extensive Irish tour in November .
20 The effect has also been attributed to the putative comet 's tail , a less plausible explanation .
21 A detective chief superintendent has also been assigned to the investigation .
22 This study has now been tied to a vision of Englishness which is itself insulated from any concern with cultural power and control .
23 By using the dichotomy between ‘ public ’ and ‘ private ’ , the Wolfenden Committee was able to propose an extended series of controls over prostitutes , particularly over those who were highly visible , although the law — the Street Offences Act 1959 — in practice has also been extended to other less visible sectors of prostitution .
24 No culprit has yet been brought to justice .
25 Though Cognitive–Behavioural Marital Therapy has consistently been found to be as or more effective than any other type of marital therapy , nevertheless in terms of the proportion of clients that actually improve , the results are quite modest .
26 Ever since Munro visited the area on his mammoth feat of cataloguing , and inexplicably rejected the locals ' claim of its 3000 foot stature for his original table of 283 Munros ( the figure has now been cut to 277 ) , Foinavon has been lurking in the wings .
27 ( This figure has now been increased to £500 . )
28 The submission has now been circulated to senior managers throughout AEA .
29 1988 The fact that Diana is bored by Charles 's polo obsession is now common knowledge and , significantly , the kiss on the mouth has now been reduced to a mere peck on the cheek .
30 Should the term record only be applied to written documents ?
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