Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [adv] be bring to " in BNC.

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1 No culprit has yet been brought to justice .
2 The element of wildness in his behaviour had originally been brought to the fore by Colquhoun and MacBryde , as a protest against repressive convention .
3 John Kamm , a US businessman and human rights activist , was told by government officials that all those detained in connection with the pro-democracy movement had now been brought to trial .
4 Four samples of typing had subsequently been brought to Wickham , each identified by the registration number of the machine and the name of the person whose desk it normally stood on .
5 Here there had been a marriage three days before , and the bride had just been brought to her new house that morning .
6 Although in a company official 's words Informix Software Inc has managed to ‘ get away without it ’ so far , the Menlo Park , California-based software house has finally been brought to book by competitive and market pressures .
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