Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [conj] it was [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The clerk argued that it was not a " competent application " .
2 Apple Computer Inc says it is still on target for mid-1994 launch of its first RISC-based Macintosh after IBM Corp announced that it was now shipping the first PowerPC chips to Apple .
3 Separately yesterday , the Department of Trade and Industry announced that it was not referring the proposed acquisition by EFM Dragon Trust of Drayton Asia Trust .
4 Taken in with his bottle of National Dried Milk and vitamin drops that it was all right to kill .
5 What should have been a simple review looked like it was about to turn into techno-confusion when the owner 's manual stated I could find a hook-up diagram on page 42 , and it was n't there .
6 It was in 1984 , when Kylie was still only 16 , that her next big break came and it was again Alan Hardy , the man who had cast her in The Sullivans three years before , who was involved .
7 This practice was stopped after review indicated that it was not of diagnostic value in our hands .
8 Of the Scottish Daily News , the study finds that it was inadequately financed from the outset ; was poorly equipped ; so applied the principle of workers ' control as to make ‘ executive decision taking impossible if not farcical ’ ; and produced an unacceptable product .
9 No wind blew but it was deathly still and bitterly cold .
10 Now , Woolwich having won that litigation , the revenue asserts that it was never under any obligation to repay the money , and that it in fact repaid it only as a matter of grace .
11 Under the Angevins , it has been argued , ‘ the legal relationship between a king of France and a king of England who held territories on the continent meant that it was relatively easy for the king of France to legitimize his own actions as part of a legal process ’ .
12 Betty began to open her mouth to argue that it was n't well-trained at all until she remembered that it did n't exist , and she had vowed not to get drawn into Lydia 's idiotic fantasies .
13 Cobalt retorted that it was not an amusing thing to do , pointing a gun at people , and he could not see what Maurin found so funny .
14 The lawyer said that it was not possible to say that the young people had suffered any permanent effects as a result of their experience .
15 I join the hon. Member for Weston-super-Mare ( Mr. Wiggin ) in pointing out that the Inland Waterways Association believes that it was not sufficiently consulted on the Bill .
16 The judge agreed that it was unduly lenient .
17 Catt accepts that it was only a minor detail in her boyfriend 's sacking but feels it has a relevance .
18 He told a Labour Co-ordinating Committee rally that it was not enough for Labour to win the next election .
19 The trial judge found that it was not foreseeable that fuel oil on water would catch fire but there was some foreseeable damage in the fouling .
20 Boy assumed that it was up to him to find out if these bars were closed , were unfashionable , were dangerous or were simply too expensive for him to visit …
21 But er this is how they they wanted the work done and it was n't a question of one man had to learn the lot you just had to do work away where you were sent to work .
22 In 1232 the Waverley annalist noted that it was now eight years since the king had confirmed the Great Charter and the Charter of the Forest and the bishops had pronounced sentence of excommunication against those who violated them .
23 Mr Fowler said that while the existing law provided that it was automatically unfair to dismiss anyone for not being a union member , the bill completed the outlawing of the closed shop by extending the same protection to people applying for jobs .
24 Under the 1984 Act , the PCA is empowered to : ( i ) choose , or veto the choice , of investigating officers , supervise their inquiries , and receive their final report ; ( ii ) monitor the speed and efficiency of the investigation and issue a statement to the Chief Constable saying whether it was satisfactorily carried out ; ( iii ) receive a Chief Constable 's decision on what action he intends to take as a result of an investigation and , if need be , overturn the decision ( either by preferring disciplinary charges or , if it believes an offence has been committed , referring the case to the Director of Public Prosecutions ) .
25 The National Gallery asserts that it was always the intention of Kramar to donate the collection in its entirety to the Czechoslovak State .
26 It was no longer a matter of one family or political grouping showing that it was domestically more powerful than any other .
27 Most recently , the Cadbury Committee said that it was not persuaded by those who called for such a limitation .
28 It trivialises the issue to say that it was merely the result of panic — although there was certainly panic in good measure .
29 In its reply , in a memorandum to HM Treasury , the Institute said that it was not convinced that the proposals were needed .
30 ‘ The trial lasted six days and in his summing up , the judge said that it was too difficult to determine the age of the dogs and that he did not believe a breeder would know her own stock — so basically the ‘ coincidence ’ was too strong .
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