Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [conj] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 a lot about it and sha n't be , frankly I 'm relieved I do n't actually know a lot but when the meeting to discuss what we 're supposed to do is on December tenth yo so I 'm a bit torn cos I in a way that 's what I ought to be doing even though the welfare business in a way that 's wh that 's what I ought to be doing cos it 's entirely .
2 Finally , the village case study revealed that none of the village practitioners were in favour of promoting the LGS message .
3 The costs of a non-Europe research programme suggest that something in the region of 0.5 per cent of Community GDP may be " wasted " by nations favouring domestic public procurement policies and therefore an effective competition policy to counteract such protection measures must be accompanied by a re-distributive regional policy .
4 Professor Glennerster says that his research shows that none of the alleged scares about the scheme could be found to be true .
5 And in 1958 , when over eight million households had television licences , the various trade associations formed the Film Industry Defence Organization ( FIDO ) in an attempt to ensure that none of the nation 's producers sold their films to television .
6 ess essentially i it 's , absolute egalitarianism means that everybody within the village or the
7 That urgency , she added , was even greater in the party 's Scottish heartland , where Labour knows that anything but a convincing election challenge could allow the Scottish National Party rapidly to mobilise a bandwagon of anti-Conservative protest .
8 In a session lasting until one in the morning they had discussed Crime in Society with that lucidity which is only achieved at somewhere above the 100 mg per cent level of blood alcohol and with the comforting knowledge that one does n't have to drive home .
9 So far as the genesis of the revolutionary intelligentsia is concerned , revisionist work suggests that none of the traditional explanations is entirely satisfactory .
10 The judge concluded that none of the documents or the contents of them satisfied the requirement of the kind of confidential information which an employer is entitled to prevent an ex-employee from using after the termination of the employer/employee relationship .
11 As part of the Minister 's continued opposition to settlements , can he say how the British Government , as a member of the troika , will discharge their responsibilities under the recent protocol signed with Israel and the European Economic Community to ensure that none of the money will go to any Israeli projects with any connection with settlements on the west bank or Gaza ?
12 That uncomfortable conscience demands that somebody from the very top be indicted for the system as a whole .
13 ‘ Being a young , enthusiastic , naive sort , I volunteered to do extra shifts in the newsroom , including the late night shifts that none of the other reporters wanted to do .
14 A spokesman for the Queen last night denied that anyone inside the Palace had supplied details of the bedrooms .
15 The Guardian established that nobody of the caller 's name worked at Hoare Govett .
16 Not a snigger to suggest that anybody in the audience even knew this was a joke .
17 We 're about half-way down the mugs when we hear the front door go and someone on the stairs .
18 A union spokesman said that none of the people arrested were from the sacked Timex workforce .
19 I asked her if she always painted with such alacrity and her answer came as something of a relief , ‘ I like to enjoy painting , so ofttimes I paint much more slowly , it 's like eating , you do n't want to rush through a great meal ’ .
20 You could have heard a pin drop if anyone in the room had dropped one .
21 The group 's publicity suggests that the issue being dealt with is mental illness , which led a therapist in the audience to say that none of the characters seemed to him to be mentally ill .
22 They have yet to learn what thinking people who are honest with themselves already know , namely , that all history shows that none of the worshipped ‘ gods ’ has ever directly provided anything .
23 The chauffeur said that everyone at the hospital was regularly updated on any changes to the hospital 's corporate goals .
24 I would like to see the earth grow and everything in the earth grow until it touched the skids of heaven , and no one could be dead .
25 If need be , do n't hesitate to amend any undertaking put before you by a bank , etc , to terms you are confident you can fulfil .
26 The fact remains that we as a council if we wish to , can meet a proper prudent budget and the alternative proposals tonight , which is really the the er unfortunate ones which would appear to be going through , are really not recognisable , that this is not the time to impose additional council tax or anything else on the people of this city when generally speaking their personal finances are not at their best .
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