Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [conj] [vb infin] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The well-tested welfare organisation swung into gear , as the Welfare Officer once again climbed into her car to go and speak to the wife and assure her that temporary accommodation had been arranged for her and the family , and that the move from one house to another would be made as smooth as possible .
2 If the rider 's weight is in front of the horse 's , he may cause the horse to fall or stop in the above instances .
3 This allows the flapper valve to open and close with the air pressure .
4 Secondly , the wire gauze could detach itself from the lamp body , permitting the flame to escape and explode in the surrounding atmosphere .
5 if I can er start first of all with the pleadings bundle and with the statement of claim which erm er sets out all the er upon which the plaintiffs and your Lordship will see from paragraph one that this claims relate to the purchase by the plaintiff of a lease of a restaurant and wine bar business at and er it is alleged that the defendants were retained by the plaintiffs to advise them in relation to that transaction in early September of nineteen eighty five and that the contract between them er contained the usual implied required for the defendant to exercise or deal with the proper and care in relation to their conduct of the transaction and er to the advice given to the plaintiffs throughout .
6 If sterling were not in Europe 's exchange-rate mechanism ( ERM ) , the chancellor , Norman Lamont , might be tempted to cut interest rates , let the pound slide and worry about the inflationary consequences later .
7 Before picking out a few of the research findings , which highlight short-comings , I should say that there was a great deal to commend and admire about the response to the Act from individual schools and authorities in very difficult circumstances , not the least of which was the failure of central government to provide any additional resources .
8 At this stage either party can invoke a procedure introduced in 1980 , which can place pressure on the other side to withdraw or settle at an early stage .
9 As he ran he grabbed a torch , and Tallis watched its flame bob and weave into the darkness , soon lost among the trees .
10 Dissatisfied with the quality of many land availability studies , the DoE commissioned Coopers and Lybrand to carry out a study to assess and report on the varying assessments and assumptions about new housing made by the planning authorities and house builders , and to assess the extent to which both the provision in plans and land which is made available for housing takes account of the requirements of the market for new private sector housing' .
11 There is then an attempt to generalize and move towards a universal ‘ myth ’ that can stand for all the utterances of a similar type in their various discursive contexts .
12 After completing the AEC , participants were interviewed to provide them with an opportunity to reflect and comment on the course .
13 Worksheets could be distributed in the second half of the visit , once the group has had an opportunity to explore and react to the site .
14 However , physical restraint is not a solution to accident prevention and , indeed , excessive over protection will only deny a child the opportunity to explore and learn about the environment .
15 Ahmed : What I found really exciting and stimulating about our Working Party was that there was a great deal of openness , a willingness to listen and learn on the part of all the people .
16 All will be disturbed and unhappy to some extent at the loss of familiar surroundings and some will be deeply hurt in their capacity to trust and respond to the people who endeavour to provide substitute homes .
17 Q. Does the Committee know and agree to the cost of the work ?
18 You 've come to the wrong committee to try and get like a cash handout , but er we do appreciate the problems of putting on entertainments , and bops on campus .
19 A contact orderwhich requires the person with whom the child lives , or is to live , to allow the child to visit or stay with the person named in the order or for that person and the child to otherwise have contact with each other .
20 It was agreed to appoint a similar committee to investigate and report on the demarcation of the Orange River boundary , Namibia 's southern border with South Africa .
21 Such a system could incorporate images to be construed ; hold relevant information to be drawn upon as required ; include a capacity to enlarge or select from the image under consideration ; provide cues aimed at stimulating a search for undiscovered features or ideas and be partially interactive in a non-verbal mode by means of direct pointing with a light pen .
22 Hazel determined then and there to bring the rabbits up to the beanfield to shelter and rest until the evening .
23 In April 1954 , the government announced that it was proposing to appoint a Departmental Committee to examine and report on the law on homosexual offences and the ‘ parallel ’ problem of the law relating to prostitution .
24 The crucial step began with a determination to rise and pray in the middle of the night ; he continued in prayer the following morning , and took for spiritual nutriment the Bible and the Wesleyan hymn-book .
25 But they admit that these babies had not achieved complete and independent toileting as they could only hold on to their eliminations for a few minutes and needed help to undress and get on the potty .
26 The answer must be that , in the sense in which we have used the term ‘ competition ’ ( a sense which , although sharply divergent from the terminology of the dominant theory of price , is entirely consistent with everyday business usage ) , the market process is indeed always competitive , so long as there is freedom to buy and sell in the market .
27 ‘ Fans demand the right to sit or stand in a safe ground . ’
28 He said , however , that he wished the meeting to debate and vote on a revised resolution , as follows :
29 So it seemed a fairly straightforward move to go and work for the family firm .
30 Between them they expressed the opposing feelings so often displayed by young children in the peak age of attachment : on the one hand , the protest and fury about being left — cries of rage — and then a sullen refusal to acknowledge and come to the mother ; on the other hand , the desperate yearning for the loved one and a need to cling and not let go .
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