Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [adv] [been] so [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Removing unwanted hair has never been so simple .
2 The Government 's own Department of Development Aid has apparently been so devious that the judge investigating the billions of Rand evidently missing or misappropriated , which should have gone towards assisting the poorer ( black ) communities , has thrown in the towel when faced by the department 's shambolic accounting .
3 But only yesterday one of his own batch had n't been so lucky , and it was when the news broke in the camp that he knew he could still feel emotion .
4 As Paul writes to this leading city in Asia Minor ( present-day Turkey ) around the year AD 60 he makes many statements in opposition to the false teachers who–e influence has apparently been so prevalent .
5 The quality in terms of commitment energy and intellect of those coming to join us in our work has never been so high .
6 Ironically , Coppell 's mailbag has never been so full of praise , despite the club being second from bottom of the Premier League .
7 I wanted to run away , and if that window had not been so high I believe I would have jumped through it .
8 Public tastes and current architecture have never been so much at odds .
9 Numbers of young women have told me that they look upon life in quite a different light now that they learn that nature has not been so cruel to them , as to give them but the choice of a married life , in which probably all the highest aims of life must be sacrificed , and the wife reduced to the level of a breeding animal , or a life of celibacy .
10 Unfortunately some of the rhetoric of this recent announcement has not been so enlightened , but has been couched in hard , aggressive language .
11 This union needs to ensure that all our safety reps take advantage of the new directives , because with a reduction of health and safety inspectors , health and safety has never been so bad .
12 The overall shift has not been so much from agriculture to manufacturing but rather a steady rise in the service industries , and a fall in primary industries .
13 We 're a bit understocked anyway — business has n't been so good since the trouble started . ’
14 For a while , there , he 'd as good as haunted the place in the late afternoons … but then the van had broken down and getting into town had n't been so easy , and besides the restaurant had become so damned busy that he 'd become just another face in an ever-changing crowd .
15 No architect before him had thought so profoundly about how buildings should function and no other had ever been so nimble in adapting to changes of fashion without loss of integrity .
16 Perhaps her behaviour on Sunday night had not been so foolish after all .
17 ‘ The importance of a low cell-count has never been so critical .
18 This early retirement pattern has not been so evident for women .
19 Grammar has never been so easy to teach . ’
20 The Zeppelin attack left ten people dead in the city , and scores wounded : if the Germans ' bomb-aiming had not been so lousy , the toll could have included many of the sleeping deaf children in Donaldson 's .
21 If his father had n't been so bloody-minded and had let him use the family car , he would no doubt have gone down alone and come back next day , having called on some estate agent in Hadleigh or Sudbury and asked them to sell the house for him , the very one probably that he had gone to in the following year .
22 He could not remember if his father had always been so wary , but he thought not .
23 However , the government has not been so preoccupied with accountability procedures as appeared to be the case in the early 1980s .
24 Having risen strongly over the post-war period until that year , growth stopped ; there have been major fluctuations since , but the total has never been so high again .
25 ‘ But if I am to achieve such merit as wins fame , then my life has not been so unworthy an exchange for hers as I always feared ! ’
26 Setting off for home on the bus has never been so much fun for the children of Grange Junior School in Swindon .
27 We never had hens , the local farm has always been so obliging .
28 Care has not been so tender for the eiderdown duck , which has perished in large numbers due to oil slicks in its Iceland habitat , as European demand for its fluffy down , mainly used in bedding , increases .
29 Whether it is viewed as a physical or metaphysical symbol , the image has never been so degraded as it is today .
30 This bespectacled bear of a man had been born and lived here all his life , and was now Makassar 's sole expert and international exporter of the rare shells and orchids for which the archipelago had once been so famous .
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