Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pron] is [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 She is the only female character allowed into the fortress den and as the story develops she is shown to be both sensitive and sensible .
2 The Archive 's location in a university which has a reputation for excellence in social research ensures it is perceived to be upholding high standards .
3 The mill occupies what is thought to be a Domesday site ; however , the present building dates partially from 1655 , when it was rebuilt .
4 Fundamental is the need to relate whatever is studied to the child 's own experience , and also to awaken motivation and stimulate enquiry .
5 Greenpeace has published an analysis showing that an illicit trade in toxic waste exists which is estimated to be three times larger than the legal trade .
6 For them , the person of good character has what is said to be the imagination to live tranquilly , or literally ‘ the wizardry to live tranquilly ’ ( mariya adiunaku ) .
7 It is simply a method of inhibiting or stopping your debtor from cashing in his assets and putting them out of your reach before you have had a chance to recover what is owed to you .
8 The effect of consent to treatment by the minor or someone else with authority to give it is limited to protecting the medical or dental practitioner from claims for damages for trespass to the person .
9 So while the type of tv reporting that so upsets Nicholas Soames may add to a sense of doubt already nagging away in many British minds , when the opinion pollster calls it is reduced to the level of painful anecdote .
10 Gone and never to return unless we have a government elected which is committed to education , to training , to investment and to the future .
11 After that the pacey plot leaves the audience wondering who is engaged to whom , who is to marry whom , who wrote the love poems and why and how it 's all to be unravelled before the final curtain .
12 The Breed Standard describes what is considered to be a perfect specimen of the breed .
13 When this definition is filtered through the banking domain filter set it is reduced to 84 words in length .
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