Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pron] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A twenty-five-foot wave flung itself at the canoe from an unexpected angle and before the crew could turn to absorb the blow , the Hokule'a rose up the face of the wave at forty-five degrees , and was capsized as it flew off the peak .
2 I have today won a concession from the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry , in as much as he is going to give a delegation from the Southampton and district licensed victuallers an opportunity to see him at the Department to talk over some of these matters .
3 Erm so in in broad terms the master plan is is unchanged in concept but we think improved in detail the is the other thing at each end erm represents on the left hand side er , what is currently Honey Hill I believe the name may be changed in due course erm and those behind me here are the houses on the Fern Hill side and then , although some of you will have difficulty seeing it at the moment , at the bottom there are detailed drawings showing the internal arrangement of the houses and flats and , and detailed drawings of the elevations with dimensions , so one can have a have a bit of a feel for the the sort of space standards that we 've aimed at , but there are in fact , furniture plans shown on the drawings .
4 It was a great pleasure to meet you at the Conference in Lisbon and to talk about your proposal for an introduction to CALL .
5 Not that the organs of perception apprehended it at the time .
6 The ruling DEMOS coalition dissolved itself at a meeting on Dec. 30 , and called for early elections in April or May 1992 .
7 ‘ HA HA HA HA HA HA , ’ the little girl went in the next picture-square , and ‘ BONK read the bubble as the typewriter hit her at the end of the joke .
8 Depart London Heathrow for Pisa , where your hire car awaits you at the airport .
9 What sublime emotion inspires you at the moment of the assault ?
10 This is not exactly a character that springs to mind watching her at the Queen Vic jumping into the sack with her husband 's brother .
11 The president , meanwhile , stood high in the public opinion polls after the attempt to assassinate him at the end of March .
12 The ‘ pure ’ entrepreneur observes the opportunity to sell something at a price higher than that at which he can buy it .
13 Last Wednesday we invited the 4 British students studying at the University to visit us at the hotel for dinner .
14 In winter the chestnut-seller installed himself at the edge of the market .
15 Although the other judges would not look at the assessors ' lists , Burn met them at the hall and compared his list of preferences to theirs .
16 The planners , the Planning Committee , and the Council found themselves at the centre of the great deal of public agitation in which the reputation of the Council sank to a very low level .
17 They want management to trust them at a distance .
18 So the real question facing us at the moment is not whether there should be a relationship , or whether there should be a link but in what way we should modernize it and arrange it today .
19 Calls for the creation of a workers ' soviet , including a summons by the Bolshevik Vyborg District Committee to form it at the Finland Station in the Vyborg district , became widespread .
20 Clough will consider it a much needed morale booster if he can get Keane 's signature on the new deal , even though the battle to keep him at the City Ground is far from being won .
21 On their behalf , a local radio station has launched a campaign to keep him at the County Ground .
22 So if the council refused it at the meeting it 's their people that 's refused it !
23 My mum washed mine at the weekend and they 're in a pile on my floor and I have n't been arsed so I 'm just sleeping on the mattress with the bare duvet .
24 he sez they went to several addresses but then the driver surrendered himself at the police station .
25 and we went in and like the vicar greets you at the door do n't he and she was like up to the vicar like , you know , she 's more fucking heavier than thou
26 It was cooler and grey , and a brisk sou'wester spiked with a salty drizzle met us at the crag .
27 The much-rumoured pact will see Insignia admit it has a license to Windows source code and the right to modify it at the application programming interface level to improve the performance of SoftPC , its Windows-on-Unix package .
28 The much-rumoured pact will see Insignia admit it has a licence to Windows source code and the right to modify it at the application programming interface level to improve the performance of SoftPC , its Windows-under-Unix package .
29 The suggestions included limiting Congress 's powers only to proposing amendments to the Constitution , and allowing Yeltsin to retain the right granted him at the October-November 1991 extraordinary Congress to appoint ministers without approval from the legislature .
30 It is worth mentioning , all the same , that a time will come when a frequent absentee can be fairly dismissed and that a failure to consult him at the time of dismissal will not necessarily mean that the company will be powerless to resist an unfair dismissal claim .
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