Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pron] [adv prt] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A Fatah officer with long , dirty hair led us down a slit trench cut into the soft , red earth .
2 My mum helped me out a bit , but not everyone has parents who will help .
3 The priest led him down a passage , knocked and opened the door and entered the room .
4 Aberdeen 's bid to stage a re-run of their European Cup-Winners ' Cup Final win against Real Madrid has failed because the Spanish club priced themselves out the market .
5 Bet you his parents and the girlfriend helped him out a bit with his decision — ‘ You join them Rovers or else ! ! ! ’ .
6 His feet seemed hardly to touch the ground as the wind drove him up the slope .
7 Momentum carried her down the hull into the deadspace between the executive transporter and the bay wall .
8 He had gone only a few yards however when the horse hurled him over a precipice to his death .
9 ‘ I was only six , so the art direction let it down a bit , really .
10 There was no lack of willing help to carry it down the croft to the cliff edge from where it was carefully lowered to the beach .
11 I think it 's not very likely though is it , Christ Almighty we 're talking here about getting people on board to help you out the assessment are bit academic
12 But Europe 's governing body left them in no doubt they were wasting their time by replying : ‘ It 's just not possible . ’
13 In Sydney , while they waited for a steamer to take them up the coast to Newcastle , the Goulds stayed with Dr George Bennett , secretary to the Australian Museum .
14 However , the route takes them over a culvert near the hospital .
15 Most recent of course , is euthanasia it does n't draw the line at killing foxes I had this terrible vision in the early hours this morning , of Ron closing all our elderly persons ' homes , pushing all the old people out onto the street and the hunt with at its head hunting them down the countryside .
16 But the storyteller has been using all his art to lead us up the garden path .
17 He had a sudden vision of families in endless reproduction — Willmots and Stannards and the rest replicating themselves down the years , perfecting their most infamous capacities .
18 He said yeah so he said lend us your keys a minute give them back the keys , and he says and you 're finished !
19 The sound of her mother singing followed her down the hall :
20 No doubt there was method in the smugglers ' madness , perhaps the very unsuitability of the area was a ploy to put us off the scent .
21 ‘ We do deep breathing exercises instead , ’ said Otley , throwing out his chest to expand his lungs , his paunch moving itself up a notch .
22 He said you were born old , and that you needed to have a wife to soften you up a bit . ’
23 On another subject could someone who is going to the game pick me up a match programme .
24 Von Karajan made some loose , ethereal movement which the strings understood and the first fiddle led them up the sweep .
25 He would let her father row him down the lake and dangle out a few lines to see if a tickle of fish would tickle his mood .
26 I mean what it needs it that random pixel degradation across the page to give you back the letterpress look .
27 The high speed tumble kept him off a bike until February but Cardus refuses to admit to any worries about his relative lack of testing .
28 She ran down the gangplank and watched as the dog heaved himself up the bank , dragging his burden .
29 Coffin saw him down the staircase and out of the front door , where they stood , still talking .
30 We made the cut in 1970 for my first British Open with Tom , but a bad last round put him down the field .
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