Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pron] [adv] [to-vb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , my Mum told me not to let boys fondle me or kiss me now I 've started me periods , otherwise , if I did , I 'd soon be having a baby . ’
2 My aunt show me how to fix things nice .
3 When I was six , my father taught me how to draw profiles .
4 ‘ No , it 's when the government pays you not to grow crops in the fields . ’
5 This is familiar language , and Eleanor Gordon and others have argued that much more investigation of the circumstances of setting up women 's unions is needed before it can be accepted at face value , Material obstacles made union membership difficult for women : their low pay made it hard to pay dues , while their domestic duties as daughters and sisters , not to mention the question of staying out late , made it hard to attend meetings .
6 The stoma care nurse encouraged him not to avoid foods but to monitor their effect on the colostomy action .
7 And if you come from a family that do n't bother and they have n't got the time to show you how to do things , or do things with you , and do n't send you to a nursery school then you start you know just I suppose like what they do is .
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