Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pron] [verb] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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31 For the parent , the same phrase means the inverse : I have not given birth to the monster which my upbringing and socialisation led me to believe I 'd had , but to a normal member of the human species as I now define it .
32 But when the war came you see they came as evacuees a lot of them and then they never went back .
33 He managed somehow to get Caspar near the tree and by giving him the wrapping to chew he got him to stop barking .
34 I said well I 'll be quite honest mate , there 's two hundred people working in this factory and I said , if you think that e all the charge hands and the supervisors have got to come down and roll up you lot to get the job done I said you turn round and you think if you was in business , whatever it is you like to do , if you 're in business and you 've got an order and that order 's got ta be out by six o'clock tonight and you 've got ta grovel to your workers otherwise you 'd lose that order , I said what would you say ?
35 She believed in love , but she had been too impatient , her eagerness to experience it persuading her to believe that what she had felt went deeper than liking and a mild physical attraction .
36 In fact , the whole place defied you to find anything installed after the fall of Mussolini .
37 He still held her hand against his pulse and she wanted to replace it with her mouth ; wanted to trail her fingers across his warm flesh , and the need to deny herself made her shake .
38 I had really long hair once , it was way past my bum and when I got my first record deal they wanted me to have it all cut off — it was a total disaster .
39 Only when Marianne swept from the room did she allow herself to collapse into a chair , closing her eyes and rubbing her fingers over her forehead .
40 What difference do you think it makes that three quarters of the news desk are women ?
41 What about erm these little going away gift do you want them do you wan na get some choccies for them or
42 Chairman er , I have a petition that I have been asked to present er at what point do you wish me to do that ?
43 It 's like reading a biography of a favourite author to learn what makes them tick .
44 Not for a moment do I want you to believe unthinkingly in what I say .
45 I remember a wee boy in the class I was in in the primary school and he got a row he I remember him getting a row from the teacher and he s the teacher said what did you do wrong and he said oh I 've gone and putten putten where I should 've putten put
46 I mean listen I 'm the first person to talk in in support of body piercing I look I have parts of my body pierced I like it but I do n't think standing around the street corners sort of revealing it is a nice thing to do .
47 On the other hand , although one expert scientific engineer said he felt we had almost reached the point of diminishing returns in terms of extra racket frame power , can we risk that ?
48 Rain wished he had someone to make sure he spent part of the proceeds on smartening up his flat .
49 The weather 's turned cold , and heaven knows what germs you 've imbibed from that canal water . ’
50 As the war ended he got himself married in Long Ditton , Surrey , to a girl named Madeline Fowler , daughter of George Fowler , a traffic manager .
51 One 's the need to make him let me go .
52 But having a woman on the wing makes them realise they have hurt real people , they see me as a real person
53 The smell accompanying him suggested he 'd brought fresh coffee beans .
54 ‘ The head asked me to let her know when you arrived .
55 This time I 've got no crazy , pointless altruism restraining me , and you must long since have discarded whatever distorted idealism made you believe you had to be faithful to Jones in fact and thought , since you claim to have had at least one other relationship between your spells with him .
56 The scrolled area will display the packages that have to be endorsed , from the start package specified , and you may enter a Mark to indicate which packages you wish to accept or reject .
57 She 'd promised to phone Julie that night to let her know she 'd arrived safely and to check on her sister .
58 Allitt was with Liam constantly the night he died and the prosecution at Nottingham Crown Court alleges she did something to cause his death .
59 3.00am : The Tory group sits with folded arms and a collective smile saying it has nothing to say .
60 While we waited for the service to finish we amused ourselves rearranging the flowers on the graves .
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