Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [prep] he [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Tim will be buried in the Everton shorts along with a signed Everton shirt given to him by the members of his favourite team .
2 It is a wonderful experience to sit with him in the quiet peacefulness of his home , the table cleared ( in addition to having had the house duly cleaned by his ‘ daily ’ ) to make room for the Sabbath candles , its bread and wine .
3 Laurence Gilliam of the BBC in London arranged and produced these impressive programmes and it was my pleasure and privilege to work with him for the Vancouver region for several years running .
4 He watched her dab her cheeks , then wipe her eyes , his heart torn from him by the tiny shudder she gave .
5 That was when he saw the thin figure jogging towards him in the gloom , and heard the roar of engines come up fast behind him .
6 When Simon the Trapper parted from him on the great north ride the Friar loosened the rope that girdled his waist , dragged up his gown a score of inches to free the movement of his lower legs , re-tied his girdle tightly , wiped his hands on the none too clean garment and taking hold of his staff set off up the highway in pursuit of his sack , of Marian , and of the verderers .
7 Another power of the president given to him by the constitution ?
8 He felt at rest , the dark weight of tension lifted from him by the woman .
9 He held this position until May 1290 , when he was arrested and sent to the Tower and his lands seized , probably as the result of an allegation made against him in the course of the ‘ State Trials ’ .
10 He turned , watching the priest coming towards him through the falling snow .
11 Common Law might enable the defrauded party to resist an action brought against him on the contract ; Equity could order the document to be handed up and destroyed or cancelled .
12 FORMER Guinness chairman Ernest Saunders yesterday won another round in his battle to secure legal aid to fight the multi-million pound civil action brought against him by the company .
13 However , someone other than the purchaser could be injured on account of the article 's negligent manufacture and an exclusion clause would provide no defence in an action brought by him against the manufacturer .
14 What he sues for in each case is loss caused to him by the use of an unlawful weapon against him — intimidation of another person by unlawful means . ’
15 To read some of the ad hominem propagandizing directed against him in the post-war years , one might imagine Karajan was a great player in this awesome drama .
16 Their unfocused glance passed over him without the slightest flicker of movement or response .
17 Father was a huge figure bending over him in the dark .
18 In Tudor times Henry VIII made a valiant attempt to collect some of the revenue lost to him by the employment of the " use " .
19 When ‘ King John ’ Houlding , a self-made brewer and prominent local Tory , tried to use his position on the Everton board to jack up the rent paid to him by The club , There was a shareholders ' revolt and Houlding eventually left the club to form Liverpool FC .
20 Simon 's big head and loose mouth loomed above him against the ridiculous English summer sky , which was the color of iron .
21 Shamji , who was also ordered to pay £28,960 costs , had asked the Appeal Court to reduce the sentence imposed on him at the Old Bailey on October 30 .
22 Mr. Back Q.C. , for the appellant , contended that if Mr. Occhi consented to the appellant taking the £6 , he consented to the property in the money passing from him to the appellant and that the appellant had not , therefore , appropriated property belonging to another .
23 Christian went on to tell the gipsies of the award made to him by the enclosure commissioners , but he was interrupted abruptly by Boz , who said , ‘ There 's no water in Faws Grove . ’
24 The Rabbitohs were to contribute to international Rugby League one of the great backs of any era , Clive Churchill , the Little Master , so dazzling there is even a stand named after him at the Sydney Cricket Ground .
25 It was an hour before he was discovered missing and we spent the rest of the afternoon searching for him in the woods and plains surrounding the house .
26 At the same time , the sound of distant gunfire , explosions and shouting came to him on the night breeze , somewhere off his right and muffled by the intervening trees .
27 The pace of Norman McGladdery , eligible to play having appealed a seven-game ban imposed on him by the Ulster Branch , Colin Allister and Lee Tumilty caused problems throughout whereas the skills of Jimmy Kirkwood and Daniel Clarke at the other end were stifled by a resolute defence .
28 The surety often takes the position from motives of friendship to the debtor , and generally not as a result of any direct bargaining between him and the creditor , or in consideration of any remuneration passing to him from the creditor .
29 Rincewind pounded down an alley , paying no heed to the screams of rage coming from the picture box , and cleared a high wall with his frayed robe flapping around him like the feathers of a dishevelled jackdaw .
30 At the outset I should emphasise that in the proceedings the only question raised is one of law , to be answered on the assumption that the assignments were genuine and valid transactions and that there was no arrangement or understanding that an assignee would hold for the assignor any compensation received by him from the fund .
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