Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [verb] for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 SCOTTISH Natural Heritage has called for all ships carrying hazardous cargo to be banned from the Minches and Fair Isle Channel .
2 Shell has submitted for environmental approval a £1.5 billion plan to clean up its oil refinery at Pernis , near Rotterdam .
3 but left open the question whether there is any difference under section 87 if the successor has resided for 12 months with the deceased tenant in two or more council houses or has resided partly in a council house and partly in private sector accommodation : [ 1987 ] 1 W.L.R. 1433 , 1441H .
4 The parliament has called for other EC countries to follow the Dutch lead .
5 This page enables you to view what assessment , if any , the specified user has made for this DC .
6 She tells me that the Mum has applied for free meals but should really pay back the money owed .
7 A Norwegian university has asked for five people
8 March wind doth blow for some time to come , according to the coastguard , and believe me it blows hellish hard round Gullholm . ’
9 The main contractor has to plan for subcontracted work just as seriously as for his or her own work .
10 A Countryside Commission review has called for wide-ranging reforms to protect the 10 national parks of England and Wales from the growing threats of development and tourism .
11 In late July 1990 Housing and Construction Minister Ariel Sharon presented the Cabinet with a US$13,500 million five-year programme to provide housing for Soviet immigrants .
12 The latest study has gone for first-hand evidence , by looking at Inland Revenue figures for bequeathed estates , and by conducting a couple of sample surveys .
13 A COUNCIL poised to lose £1m in benefit aid has appealed for Parliamentary help .
14 Strategic Management for the Board — a two-day action based briefing for experienced board members requiring the opportunity for their strategic plans to be challenged by both their peers and leading authorities in strategic leadership .
15 That the project may now be delayed by Chinese inquisitiveness should be seen in the context of the fact that the current administration had dithered for 15 years on the project .
16 Sam Llewellyn 's family charter on the Lycian coast had to cater for all tastes , including those of a budding rock and roll band
17 Electrical stimulation could produce dramatic effects , but the proper study of electro-physiology had to wait for some time until it was possible to record small electrical potentials .
18 Programmes of Study require re-write for all targets .
19 A year later , he produced a second album , Fans , which did for — or unto — opera what Duck Rock had done for ethnic music .
20 The haemoglobin concentration continued to fall for two days after his admission , reaching a nadir of 61 g/l .
21 John Rolfe , conference chairman , said : ‘ People within the industry have known for some time there is a need for such a gathering .
22 The witnesses would say later that the searingly brilliant white flash seemed to last for several seconds .
23 Much archaeology involves looking for underlying patterns within a jumble of visual detail .
24 The promotion means farewell to the Northern League middle , in which Winter has officiated for six years .
25 The two countries ' joint forestry committee has called for retaliatory action , including a ban on imports of certain EC products , to be taken by the forthcoming meeting of economic ministers of the Association of South-East Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) .
26 The Committee has pointed out that nothing is more foolish than to have timetable motions introduced after a Committee has sat for some sessions , perhaps debating the first two or three clauses of a Bill , and then , the guilloting having been introduced , the rest of the Bill — perhaps 60 , 70 or 80 clauses — is rushed through with hardly any debate .
27 A statute created an obligation on the defendant council to provide housing for homeless persons .
28 Although much recent work ( Maos , 1983 , 47 ) confirms that ‘ the efficiency of services is higher in concentrated settlement patterns and can be further improved by the transfer of service functions from lower to higher ranking centres ’ , some recent work has called for less emphasis to be placed on the economic evaluation of service provision .
29 Thus , the combination of the anti-Zionist conspiracy theory with pro-Palestinian rhetoric and an absence of crude , anti-black rhetoric may be seen as a tactic designed to qualify for Libyan funds .
30 Will he also recognise that I have never believed that there are no Tories in Scotland , for one Tory has spoken for Conservative respectability in Scotland , and he is the hon. Member for Dumfries ( Sir H. Monro ) ?
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