Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [noun] that [noun prp] have " in BNC.

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1 In October 1990 the USA had suspended military aid following fears that Pakistan had developed a nuclear weapon [ see pp. 37764 ; 38289 ] .
2 A high-level team from the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) , visiting six Iranian installations on Feb. 6-13 , failed to uncover any evidence to support allegations that Iran had embarked on a covert nuclear weapons programme .
3 The doctor told Mum that Sarah had everything in her favour .
4 She turned it over , and read the situation wanted ad that Alina had drafted on the back .
5 The NCR spokeswoman denied claims that Teradata had been guaranteed its independence from NCR , saying that from the outset , management had made clear its intention to merge operations .
6 A few weeks later , at the time of Diana 's 30th birthday , I wrote a further story about how Jimmy Savile , the television personality , had been instrumental in arranging a reconciliation between the royal couple following disclosures that Diana had refused her husband 's offer of a birthday party at Highgrove .
7 The flinty look in Pargeter 's face told Dexter that Blanche had struck home in some way .
8 Nick was wearing yesterday 's shirt and the damp smell round the breakfast table told Erlich that Nick had washed his one pair of socks the night before .
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