Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] that [vb -s] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This is a budget Chairman that builds on the achievements of the last four years , the care for our schools and it takes into account that the future will not be as rosy as we would like and allows for contingencies .
2 It shall be characterized in particular by a system of labour law that corresponds to the social market economy and a comprehensive system of social security based on merit and social justice .
3 As its diamond-tipped drill moves from place to place along a rock band that stretches through the Mweelrea Mountains and the Sheeffry Hills , local concern is growing .
4 The gates move with a long , low creaking sound that echoes round the Castle .
5 This Wallach attributes to the overall control of government and aid agencies that assigns to the farmers a passive role in land management .
6 If for example , you wanted to make a previously designed garment in a yarn or a stitch pattern that knits to a different tension , you would simply load the required file from the disk and enter the new tensions in place of the original ones .
7 The intermediate practice grammar that looks outside the classroom — for learners who want to use their knowledge in REAL situations .
8 Occasionally I might buy him the big third Mac , the third Big Mac , just to prove to him he ca n't eat it , and this establishes in the superego a , that the , the superego to some extent speaks for reality and , and the reality sense is part of the , is part of the standards which are built into , which are built into the superego , and to , and therefore to a large extent the superego opposes the pleasure principle that operates in the id .
9 Wish fulfilments as we know , and what we saw about dreams and so on , so the pleasure principle that reigns in the unconscious .
10 ‘ Someone with the right name is here and waiting in a special room to get on a big silver bird that flies in the sky to go to a place called Florida , ’ said the Thing .
11 He insisted that focussing on human activities to fight global warming was misguided because ‘ 96 per cent of carbon dioxide that flows into the atmosphere comes from natural sources ’ .
12 Arbortech did so by developing a stamped disc with a tooth shape that differs from the chainsaw , to make sweeping cuts possible .
13 The tourists ignore him , like they ignore the battered silver Capri that crunches up the drive and dispenses a solid , mature dread into the yard .
14 What I need is a New Testament Christianity that speaks to the modern man that I am now ; a faith , in short , that is real and challenging to modernity .
15 th th there 's , basically there 's an ord it has an ordinary editor which is sub right , it 's an ASCII editor that appears in a window and it 's for using , for editing the ASCII files .
16 This time I at least got past the lochan and up on to the boulder field that leads to the window .
17 Then to our surprise he produced CAST IRON plate ‘ No. 2 ’ off Carlisle , and if that were not enough , the wooden trespass board that appears in the well known photograph of ‘ No. 1 ’ near Horderley .
18 The servo amplifier circuitry is mounted on a small printed circuit board that fits within the case of the servo mechanics and the user is presented with three colour coded wires that terminate at a miniature plug or socket .
19 The gopher tortoise that lives in the southwestern deserts of the United States needs one as a shelter in which to escape the worst of the mid-day heat and it digs into the sun-baked ground with slow ponderous sweeps of its armoured fore-legs .
20 I think a settlement of this size would be compatible with the general pattern of village development that exists in the York area , if a new settlement were significantly larger than this pattern I think there would be a high degree of risk of coalescence with the existing er communities , and would certainly threaten their identity .
21 At the current exchange rates that amounts to a mere £159 .
22 Jacob can go with you , and show you the old coach road that leads to the signpost .
23 The items below are included in the check list that appears at the end of this book .
24 The fantasy city that interacts with the real one . ’
25 An even more revealing way to consider the changes in the popularity of divorce would be to look at the proportion of each marriage cohort that divorces after a particular period of time .
26 The re-bundling of server software may help to change users ' perceptions , but the great white hope is MVS Open Edition , the new version of the operating system that comes with a Posix interface .
27 I have arranged to visit the syringe exchange scheme that operates on the Lower East Side .
28 Acting for a seller of leasehold property , it may be that your client , as lessee , for instance , of a flat in a large block , holds a share in a management company that looks after the maintenance of the building , etc ( see Chapter 12 on leases ) .
29 Not just because their popularity has grown naturally and without cartloads of bullshit , but because they 've wheedled their way out of Northern Ireland with a snarling guitar sound that benefits from an invigorating spread of influences — from techno to rap and ambient house to reggae .
30 We should encourage a growing body of Community practice that builds upon the excellent subsidiarity article 3b in the Maastricht treaty .
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