Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] for [pers pn] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 We did in fact have sixty eight patients , unfortunately erm thirteen of these insufficient biopsy material for us to do the count erm and
2 Can , can I just I thought that my perceptions of this was there were twenty schemes already in existence er split between parish wardens and parish constables and there was gon na be a report put back to the er home secretary for him to decide the way forward and er that er we would wait for the evaluation of that scheme before we went further .
3 Regular monitoring is valuable to the field man for it assists the task of making enforcement appear routine .
4 He became the contras ' military chief in the mid-1980s , but was ousted from the leadership in February 1990 [ see p. 37236 ] by a number of his fellow commanders who considered his background too tainted by human rights abuses and association with the corruption of the Somoza years for him to negotiate the eventual disbanding and resettlement of the contras [ for which see p. 37450 ]
5 The apparent indecision was blamed on difficulties in working out travel arrangements for her to make the return trip to Scotland in one day .
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