Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] were [v-ing] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It rejected evidence from government witnesses that present management arrangements were working well and has called for a radical reorganization .
2 Since the distance and aperture remain the same , only more or less of the same picture is being shown , just as if a camera in a museum or on an animation stand were moving in and out on an oil painting .
3 As the 1980s progressed , seasoned travellers observed that the offerings of railway stations , airports and motorway service areas were growing more and more alike .
4 Thousands of flags were waving , helium balloons were going up and air balloons were coming down , two separate bands at both ends of the huge auditorium were playing different songs and everyone was cheering and screaming their heads off .
5 Throughout the 1960s and 1970s , when water engineers were falling over themselves to find new pieces of countryside to flood for reservoirs that would meet rising water demand , their water mains were leaking more and more water .
6 Prime costs for newspaper production were rising fast as supporting industries and services demanded real payment under khozraschet conditions .
7 There was some activity , and the fires were clearly being stoked up with fresh wood to give more light ; and lit lamps were moving here and there .
8 and er with my son particularly earlier on in his career things were going round and round in circles and in the end I had to step in at one point , grab all the papers as they came past as they were and saying , come on .
9 Trade links were opening up as Russia could no longer trade with Germany in war time .
10 During the conference ( big cheeses from the State Department were dropping in and out all the time ) Mr Yavlinsky was told that , if his request were serious , it would need the imprimatur of both Mr Primakov and Mr Gorbachev .
11 The casualty lists were growing longer and longer .
12 It was suddenly realized that films dealing with contemporary city life were doing well and the new realism was born .
13 Thus subscription prices were shooting up and cutting off thousands of readers who could no longer afford them .
14 There was little structure to the market , Welsh Lamb Enterprise was seeking new markets but with no control over supplies , producer groups were operating mainly as dealers , and producers got neither the information they needed nor the returns .
15 Streetlight timers were cutting in and the lamps were glowing red as she pointed to a space and asked Carson to pull in .
16 Some mountain farmers were looking more and more to tourism to provide the extra income necessary to allow them to continue living on their farms .
17 Office girls were screaming uncontrollably and walking about in a daze with blood pouring from them , ’ said witness Helen Millican .
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