Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] had [verb] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 As a youngster Kylie had proved to be a wizard with a needle — amazing friends by being able to run up an outfit in under two hours .
2 CA reported that the Olympus lap-top had had to be returned to suppliers a second time , due to a defective mother-board .
3 The Benetton test job had appeared to be destined for fellow-Scot David Coulthard but he , apparently , has recently been approached by Frank Williams to take over from Hill .
4 As creator the sun god had brought into being other cosmic powers , those of air ( Shu ) , earth ( Geb ) and sky ( Nut ) .
5 One difficulty those advising the Licensing Authority had to contend with was the ‘ relative lack of data about the efficacy and effects of triazolam at the licensed doses of 0.125 mg and 0.25 mg ’ and at the beginning of the hearing that problem troubled the panel also .
6 A government spokesman said Professor Guido de Marco , Foreign Minister , had received a letter from his Libyan counterpart informing him that the two bomb suspects had asked to be tried in Malta , and asking Malta to accede to this request .
7 Bains also favoured committees based on broad programme areas and ‘ serviced by several different departments and disciplines ’ in place of the ‘ traditional separatist structures ’ ( Haynes , 1980 , p. 54 ) whereby each service committee had tended to be associated with the appropriate functional department and its principal officer .
8 The deputy editor had tried to be helpful .
9 In wartime food had got to be produced , and all the young men were off the land , somebody 'd got to grow the food to feed this country and it was getting a bit desperate , because , old Hitler , he was no fool .
10 Some Virgin records had continued to be released in America through licensing arrangements with Atlantic and CBS .
11 And then much of this leeway was made up and the capacity being there er , well the hours of work were getting tackled then , they 'd been longer hours and er I think as a a boy coming out of apprenticeship , er the forty seven hour week had come into being .
12 Prior to the debate Clinton had appeared to be marginally ahead of his rivals , having made some effective speeches and achieved 54 per cent support in a non-binding straw poll at the Florida Democratic convention .
13 I remember asking on the shop floor of a division , the board of which had been reduced from fifteen to four , what the major difference was This was not because the fifteen previous board members had felt to be down the line , and was told , to my surprise , that the biggest difference was that they now knew what was going on .
14 The life companies had to learn to be distributors of their own products .
15 The dressing gown had proved to be a long , stylish , ankle-length duster coat which was loosely woven from a delicate white cotton .
16 Mrs Hart was delighted that this tribute to the pupils and to all of the staff working in every section of the school community had proved to be a successful entry .
17 In the nineteenth century music had come to be regarded as queen of the arts because of its non-imitative qualities , and throughout the Cubist period musical analogies become increasingly frequent .
18 And by this time money had started to be a problem .
19 By the later nineteenth century , these dangers were much less ; and perhaps more striking is Davy 's other remark , about how in his lifetime chemistry had ceased to be a science of furnaces and large quantities , and had become an activity to be carried on with spirit-lamps and test-tubes in the drawing room .
20 This interpretation of relationships between party bureaucrats and political representatives was later modified by Milovan Djilas , a senior member of the Yugoslavian political leadership after the Second World War who observed that in Yugoslavia at least the party leaders had ceased to be revolutionaries and politicians but had turned into bureaucrats themselves .
21 Distinct class variations could be observed , and from the mid-nineteenth century the existence of some form of class differentiation in family size had come to be accepted by most writers on the subject ; by the census of 1911 the difference in the fertility of certain groups was clearly marked .
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