Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] is [prep] [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 A large aerogenerator programme is at present underway in the Netherlands where it is hoped that wind will be supplying about one quarter of Dutch electricity demand by the year 2000 .
2 Local GPs and social workers need to know that guaranteed specialist assistance is at hand both day and night and , as distress and despair do not conveniently confine themselves to the hours of nine to five , this means having experienced consultant psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses on call for community work at all times .
3 Furthermore , it seems likely that the ‘ most recent ’ ice age is in fact still continuing : we are probably enjoying one of the inter-glacials , or warmer periods , of this ice age .
4 The Queen Mother is of course impeccably bred , though she 's failed to make it to the last 3 Chelsea Flower Shows and looks as if she 'll remain at home again this year .
5 ‘ But the heart has its reasons , and in any case Isabelle is beyond blame now . ’
6 The centre will be closed until Wednesday and it could be a fortnight before the swimming pool is in use again .
7 The effectiveness of incentive schemes is in practice hard to assess .
8 If a DTI Education and Enterprise Adviser is in post locally , he or she should prove to be an invaluable partner in making Compact work .
9 HEADLEY 'S Fun Run is on course again this year for Monday , May 14th .
10 A note about choosing the sample size is in order here although the decision about how large n should be is usually difficult .
11 A simple incest taboo is in operation here .
12 All exchanges ensure that the integrity of their clearing house is beyond question so that people may invest in their derivative products without fear of default risk .
13 However , you may have noticed that the new season lamb is on offer almost throughout the year .
14 In Section 8.1 it was explained that the determination of a currency 's exchange rate value is in principle broadly the same as the establishment of the price for any other financial instrument , commodity , or good .
15 Although lateral eye movements appear at first sight to offer a simple and straightforward way of assessing which hemisphere is active at a given Instant , the evidence relating eye movements to hemisphere function is at present rather insubstantial .
16 Cricket venue in jeopardy The future of a regular venue for Yorkshire County Cricket Club is in doubt again .
17 Essential to the label 's enduring appeal is that CD menswear is about style rather than fashion .
18 While we now have a reasonably good understanding of how interactions at plate boundaries give rise to major morphological features on the continents our knowledge of the tectonic processes operating in plate interiors is by comparision rather poor .
19 A master craftsman is at work here — do n't be fooled by the apparent simplicity .
20 All parking on University grounds is by permit only .
21 All parking on University grounds is by permit only .
22 Assuming that the money market is in equilibrium initially , the policy will raise the supply of money above the demand for money , and wealth holders will find themselves holding more money than they desire in their portfolios .
23 Class antagonism is in fact rarely expressed openly in the caustic comments of such journals as the Scottish Typographical Circular .
24 Language work is of course already done in many schools .
25 Everything about it exceeded expectation , though one of the things that struck him was that while the fairways are wide , the hitting area is in fact very narrow if there is to be a chance of attacking the flagsticks .
26 Again , retention of client loyalty is in practice more easily achieved by effective notification .
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