Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] and [verb] it for " in BNC.

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1 Put it in a box in your guitar case and save it for a rainy day .
2 The International Herald Tribune of April 28 reported that the US government had for more than two years had evidence that Iraq had diverted food purchased under a US$5,500 million aid programme and exchanged it for Soviet-made arms in Jordan , Turkey and the Soviet Union , including nuclear technology according to a confidential US document dated Oct. 13 , 1989 .
3 You can run clip-art through a drawing package and edit it for a more personal touch very quickly , and the printing quality is consistent , which is n't always the case with bitmaps .
4 Probably the best way to find it is to extend a line from Iota Carinæ , in the False Cross , through Beta Carinæ and prolong it for some distance .
5 Slip your right hand through the hand grip strap and adjust it for comfort if necessary .
6 Having built the CLI command file EE.CLI and queued it for action by the CLI , PROCE terminates and BBCBASIC(Z80) returns to the immediate mode .
7 of the population the £26.2 billion that they have had in tax cuts and use it for the national health service , pensioners , schools and all the social services .
8 With his hand control he killed the television News and swapped it for ‘ Home and Away ’ .
9 Strip away the insincerity and the hype from the music business and see it for what it is , a jungle .
10 Traditionally with relational database management systems companies would batch load data from the mainframe on maybe a a once a day or once a week basis and load that information onto the database systems and use it for decision support .
11 Welcome back to Central News South : Coming up in a few minutes , the farmer who 's taken maternity hospital technology and adapted it for the lambing season .
12 The Federal Assembly on May 2 voted in favour of abolishing the death penalty and replacing it for the relevant offences with life imprisonment .
13 Many fishkeepers purchase an external power filter and use it for years with the same media .
14 All that was needed was for someone to take Rowland 's ascetic vision/version of soul fanaticism and commandeer it for political ends .
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