Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] have [not/n't] [vb pp] out " in BNC.

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1 Although Ernest Bevin 's Transport Workers had not come out on strike the real opprobrium of the Labour movement was held for Jimmy Thomas , the railwaymen 's leader , whose opposition to sympathetic strike action had been vital to the collapse of the Triple Alliance .
2 The water authorities have not ruled out the possibility of flooding large Parts of the Dales , however , and , ever greedier in their search for uplands to despoil and destroy , will have to be watched carefully .
3 A full head of hair — the fine baby growth had not dropped out — several teeth .
4 Some perfect and well scarred nut slots protect a tricky move into the final groove , which is bridged pleasantly to the top , always assuming your rope drag has not got out of control .
5 Despite the huge win Rodi has n't moved out of her modest detached home in south London .
6 This rejection of the system may be a result of poor analysis : the system analyst has not found out the user requirements .
7 While the official party line remains that the Liberal Democrats would vote against a Queen 's Speech that did not contain a commitment to introduce proportional representation at Westminster , party strategists have not ruled out the option of abstaining .
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