Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] and [v-ing] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 TWO men have appeared in court in connection with a gang fight and shooting at the Market Trader pub in Kirkby .
2 TWO men have appeared in court on charges following a gang fight and shooting at the Market Trader pub , Kirkby .
3 These management statistics are going to have an increasingly important rôle in determining university funding and spending in the coming years , and it is to be hoped that figures for all disciplines will be available in future .
4 The second class consisted of the 40 most frequent words excluding function words and extending over the entire concordance line , to represent collocates of the node .
5 Cut out the pelmet fabric and lining to the pattern shape with a 2.5cm ( 1in ) allowance all round .
6 Below 1,500 feet , the maps should be ignored and priority should be given to checking for suitable fields below while also searching for lift , re-checking on the local wind direction and moving towards a better area of fields if necessary .
7 Now , one man was examining the steel tubes and struts of the scaffolding , dusting the surfaces with aluminium powder and squinting at the result through a lens ; another was on his knees scrutinising the staging planks in case some fibres from the killer 's clothing had become caught in the rough grain of the wood .
8 She did not reflect that only a few weeks ago she would have thought it impossible that she could have lived the life of a servant , let alone bear eating and drinking in the den in which Rose and her ma lived , but she did know one thing — she would never take her comfortable life for granted again .
9 Poly Styrene wore plastic and shrieked , the lead singer of the phallocentrically named group Penetration was a woman called Pauline and there was the only all-female punk groups , The Slits , who were years ahead of their time , wearing girls ' dresses , subverting traditional female rock images and appearing on the cover of the NME dressed only in loincloths and smeared in mud .
10 Normally geometric data is entered directly into the system by calling up the appropriate entry command and responding with the necessary parameters and syntax .
11 Rock fall and trampling in the narrow confines of a cave are two major factors .
12 Young physicians entering their first research post and hoping for a higher degree are vulnerable and naive .
13 He was nursing a drink in the living room and listening to the strains of a Bach cantata when she came down .
14 Carson let the door swing behind him , hurrying through into the sitting room and reaching for the receiver .
15 The industrial labour dispute of early summer 1989 had virtually the whole public ridiculing BR 's labour relations and calling for a change of style .
16 There are not usually other ‘ internal ’ symptoms , because the vagina is poorly supplied by sensory nerve endings and itching inside the vagina is not common .
17 They have access to a ring of thieves who act as couriers , stripping streets of luxury cars or ramming the gates of car showrooms and disappearing with the entire fleet of vehicles . ’
18 Few touring visitors wish to bypass the shops , however , using the large car parks and walking around the streets .
19 Goldner toyed with the offer , but decided to stay on at the Getty after negotiating a new contract that allowed him to remain in his hometown of New York most of the year ( with short stays in Malibu ) , in effect managing and adding to the Getty 's collection in absentia .
20 The hospital authorities had tracked her down in California , where she was enjoying success as a fabric designer and living with a famous composer of film music .
21 ‘ So you have to keep at him because like all kids he lives for the telly and various electronic gadgets and he 'd be quite happy eating crisps and playing for the rest of his life .
22 Beginning in the forearc zone and moving towards the volcanic arc the first feature encountered is the trench which rises to the outer-arc ridge .
23 This is obtained by translating to the standard interval [ -1,1 ] , multiplying the corresponding function by the Legendre polynomial of degree n and integrating over the interval .
24 Almost a year after his ‘ There 's Nothing Like This ’ hit single and reactivated album put him on first-name terms with the British public , Omar Lye-Kook is still based in north London , operating out of his father 's tiny Kongo Dance offices and recording down the road in Willesden .
25 The main town in the area is Tatranská Lomnica — a good centre for skiing in the winter months and walking throughout the year .
26 And at 6.15 Miss Danziger entered the drawing-room , where at least eighteen of the guests were gathered drinking tea and eating from a selection of Danish pastries and pies , and talking with unusual excitement .
27 None of these had much significance for the hard-pressed businessman , struggling against his competitors at home and abroad , fighting off trade-union influence and coping with a growing volume of government-inspired social and industrial legislation .
28 The study will also assess whether such rational management systems are presentational devices , as some critics claim , by assessing the extent to which management work and policing on the ground are directed at and by the rational management system .
29 It is only its subsequent accounting reference periods that have to be of 12 months duration beginning immediately after the end of the previous accounting reference period and ending on the accounting reference date .
30 One should be able to face death , ’ I cried earnestly , standing in the middle of this desert town and shouting at the sun .
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