Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] and [pers pn] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Miss Clapp sees the excuse notes and she takes me for English .
2 I do my exam in January and then I drop it because I go on a teaching practice and I pick it up halfway through third year .
3 She looked different with her hair cut and it made them feel shy .
4 The lock sticks and I heard him turning his key .
5 Well we parked in the car park and he charged us in there
6 We all had tin whistles and we learned them .
7 It will be a parkland course and we believe it will enhance the variety of golf experiences available at St Andrews . ’
8 Maybe they ca n't pay the the 'leccy bill and they 're in rent arrears and you know it 's Christmas and the kids want everything they see on the television .
9 And he said , ‘ Well , we had this Tremolux amp and I put it through this compressor . ’
10 We decided to show it to a booking agent who books cabaret , so I spoke to Harry Dawson who did a lot of , cabaret work and we auditioned it for him .
11 Well he 's got a lot of fishing equipment and I said you 're a keen fisherman then , all walk in
12 He asked me if I knew anything about ley lines and I confessed my ignorance .
13 So he put one in the living room and he put one in the kitchen .
14 Erm I do n't know erm how it is like , as I say because I , I 've been left now ten years eleven , eleven in May er so erm I , I really , I do n't know what , how things are with the er with the employees really you know , but erm I used to enjoys my meetings once a month erm and I think everybody seemed fair , we got and of course , according to the Co- magazine that we have , that Focus , they always send me one of those still and er I mean , you 've got er , we used to have a good football team and I think they 've still got a sports team have n't they ?
15 With that , he went back inside the interview room and she clenched her fists .
16 Sugar are a king hell rock band and I think they know it .
17 And then you all go round the car boot and they have their own car and they 'll be selling your stuff out of it .
18 This is available from us free of charge in bulk orders and I hope you will consider taking some for distribution .
19 There I am on the neatly mown grass that says Keep Off Grass with the pigeon pinned under my armpit trying to bend its neck double and it smacking me in the face with one wing , when all of a sudden there 's this : ‘ Oi ! ’
20 We went to Edinburgh on our wedding tour and I thought it beautiful but I think that my state of mind at the time was such that I should have thought anywhere beautiful .
21 I 'm a cocaine addict and I need something , 'cause I 've not had none for so many hours now .
22 I was rather late back , when I got back I heard a knock on my bedroom door and she said it 's Miss and er I said , oh come in , I undid the door and she came in and er and so she said to me er , I just had a telephone message from Peel er to say that you have been subpoenaed to go the Police Court next Thursday and I said what a day out of my holiday and she said , well I 'm sorry but you 'll have to go .
23 ‘ At Bulawayo we had 45,000 crowds for club games and I made my international debut at 14 , so I was n't that ‘ wowed ’ to arrive in England . ’
24 I 've just got hold of the Boogie TriAxis and I love it !
25 So they just ask for crime prevention and they get it
26 I struggled to a sitting position and he handed me the tabloids which had slipped from the end of the bed .
27 I shall have ten pound deposit and I think there 's twenty five pound left to pay .
28 on an underground train which could n't decide if it 's going to move or not , it did eventually move I got a taxi at one point and I was so sick and tired and they put me outside Liberties , I gave the man a twenty pound note and he gave me change for a ten yes , coming back from Oxford Circus from Liberty 's , I thought I 'd better economise , I 've been done out of ten pounds , I do n't think it was dishonesty I think it was just sheer muddle , I , I 'm ten pounds down , I 'm must cut down a bit , so I will come back underground from Oxford Circus to Waterloo to get down to and you 've guessed it , I got into an , an underground train which would not move , it simply stuck , and it would go chugga , chugga , chugga , chugga , chugga , then it would stop in the tunnel for a while , while its .
29 . I gi him a twenty pound note and he give me some change .
30 I asked for certain research facilities and I got them .
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