Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] and [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 These management statistics are going to have an increasingly important rôle in determining university funding and spending in the coming years , and it is to be hoped that figures for all disciplines will be available in future .
2 Although the little hut at Trebyan was only a couple of hundred yards from the house and the pottery it was over the slope of the hill and hemmed in by gorse and hawthorn : a single large room with a verandah , built of lap boarding , raised on a brick base and set in the side of the hill .
3 Under conditions of perfect competition , as outlined in section 2.2 , firms which must attempt to maximise profits in order to survive are too small to influence the market price which is determined by the interaction of-demand and supply in the market : such firms ( sometimes called price-takers ) maximise their profits by producing output levels at which price equals marginal cost .
4 This early collaboration with the adviser Proved to be mutually beneficial as it was an attempt by the adviser to persuade schools to place microcomputers away from the maths or physics department and helped in the school library service policy of validating the links between the school library and information technology .
5 Now all of these require more complex intellectual abilities than simple remembering , and therefore need to be included in the teaching programme and reflected in the form the objectives take .
6 Like brownies , they prefer to work during daylight hours and snooze in a warm spot by the hearth during the day , only hoping for a bowl of milk as payment for their labours .
7 These figures taken in conjunction with the fact that 10,000 carriages and similar vehicles had to be maintained and repaired and up to ten new carriages turned out weekly for the L & NWR system alone , emphasise the importance of the department ; Wolverton Works was the ‘ largest works entirely devoted to carriage building and repairs in the UK ’ .
8 She did not reflect that only a few weeks ago she would have thought it impossible that she could have lived the life of a servant , let alone bear eating and drinking in the den in which Rose and her ma lived , but she did know one thing — she would never take her comfortable life for granted again .
9 The halls are traditional in nature : students have study bedrooms and eat in the main dining-hall , or , if on a self-catering basis , share a kitchen with a small group of other students .
10 Sqd Ldr Jimmy Malley had a distinguished career with bomber command and flew in the legendary Wellington F for Freddie , featured in the film Target For Tonight .
11 The maid put down the tea tray and fished in the pocket of her dress .
12 He jingled his car keys and said in a quieter voice : ‘ Has this anything to do with whether you keep this house or not ? ’
13 Rock fall and trampling in the narrow confines of a cave are two major factors .
14 A number of ‘ ratings ’ of satisfaction and other aspects of the work situation were based on the interview responses and used in the analysis of data .
15 This could in turn lead to interference with the normal negative feedback loop and result in a rise in the circulating gastrin values ; indeed serum gastrin has been found to rise significantly after cigarette smoking in patients with duodenal ulcer disease .
16 Cover with a tea towel and leave in a warm place until double in size , about 1 hour .
17 Collegians , McCluskey was once again on hand to finish a blind side move and score in the corner .
18 The rearrangement of the kit has pushed me close to the side , and just above my face the fabric cracks and bangs in the wind .
19 Laughter rattled the horse brasses and echoed in the warming pans .
20 Tea breaks and chats in the yard and dart games in the pub make life pleasant ; the fact that nobody will do anybody else 's job gives everybody security ; people 's aspirations do not take them out of their group , but concern the group as such ’
21 Phil , you were on the coaching staff and left in the summer .
22 It starts when tiny food particles cling to your teeth and are surrounded by bacteria — this triggers the chemical process , which dissolves the tooth crystal and culminates in the destruction of the enamel .
23 Sometimes he simply hung over the bank and untied the boat , other times he rattled a stick against the boathouse door and shouted in a gruff , common voice — he was a good mimic — ‘ Who 's there ?
24 Pour the sauce over the fish , cover with aluminium foil and cook in a preheated 200°C/400°F/Gas 6 oven for about 20 minutes , or until the cod is tender .
25 We will demolish the roof structure and put in a new rsj .
26 A ‘ qualified person ’ was defined by section 14(7) as a local authority in the United Kingdom or a British citizen resident and domiciled in the United Kingdom , and a ‘ qualified company ’ as a company incorporated and having its principal place of business in the United Kingdom , with at least 75 per cent .
27 ‘ In this section — ‘ qualified company ’ means a company which satisfies the following conditions , namely — ( a ) it is incorporated in the United Kingdom and has its principal place of business there ; ( b ) at least the relevant percentage of its shares ( taken as a whole ) , and of each class of its shares , is legally and beneficially owned by one or more qualified persons or companies ; and ( c ) at least the relevant percentage of its directors are qualified persons ; ‘ qualified person ’ means — ( a ) a person who is a British citizen resident and domiciled in the United Kingdom , or ( b ) a local authority in the United Kingdom ; and ‘ the relevant percentage ’ means 75 per cent .
28 Section 14(7) states that ‘ qualified person ’ means a person who is a British citizen resident and domiciled in the United Kingdom and that ‘ qualified company ’ means a company which is incorporated in the United Kingdom and has its principal place of business there ; at least 75 per cent .
29 According to section 14(7) , ‘ qualified person ’ meant a person who was a British citizen resident and domiciled in the United Kingdom , and ‘ qualified company ’ meant a company incorporated in the United Kingdom and having its principal place of business there , at least 75 per cent .
30 The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy in the treatment of gall bladder stones and to compare in a cost effectiveness analysis these results with the conventional and new surgical techniques .
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