Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] be [verb] from the " in BNC.

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1 Coal tar linings were banned from the 1970s onwards after advice from WRC but , said a TWA spokesman , someone would now have to foot the bill for replacing the old linings ‘ and it looks like the ratepayer ’ .
2 Following assembly and electrophoresis of a ∼5-fold scaled-up binding reaction ( employing a 40–150 bp asymmetrically labelled DNA fragment ) under optimised conditions , the corresponding gel lane is separated from the rest of the matrix and transferred into a tray with 300 ml of 10 mM Tris-HCl , pH 8.0 .
3 The LOB tag is extracted from the line ( they are located in columns 13-17 ) , it 's replacement found from the associative array and the line printed out using the replacement rather than the original LOB tag .
4 During the CAST investigation , patients who had a proarrhythmia response during the early period of drug exposure were eliminated from the long-term study .
5 If records are stored in the next available position in the prime data area — the consecutive spill method — but a link field is provided from the home record or from the last synonym , this avoids unnecessary head movements and cuts down the search time required for the consecutive spill techniques .
6 During wartime a money payment was made from the sultan 's coffers to supplement the spoils of war .
7 Control E coli strains for adhesion and hydrophobicity assays were obtained from the Division of Enteric Pathogens , Central Public Health Laboratory , London .
8 The gel piece is removed from the stop solution , placed on a suitable backing material ( i.e. , overhead photocopy film ) , covered with plastic wrap , and subjected to autoradiography at 37°C to assess the position of the retarded and unretarded DNA species .
9 POLICE have warned traders to be on the alert after two cheque books were stolen from the office of Crossfire Trust at Darkley , near Keady .
10 When set , the segment ring is removed from the clamp and mounted in the three-jaw chuck .
11 The recent spate of such thefts ( see The Art Newspaper No. 21 , October 1992 , p.16 ) continued when one marble and sixteen classical terracotta figurines were taken from the Schimatari Museum in Boeotia , central Greece , on the night of 24 December .
12 The term easel is derived from the old Dutch word ezel , meaning ass .
13 The term easel is derived from the old Dutch word ezel , meaning ass .
14 Additionally , an increasing proportion of research funding is obtained from the private sector , either by sponsorship of particular projects which are generally goal-oriented , or by support for Departments with a proven track record for the application of research findings , or the generation of potentially economically exploitable ideas .
15 And last Wednesday 's planned North Wales Coast Express was diverted from the coastal mainline to the Settle and Carlisle .
16 This oversight responsibility is derived from the power of the oversight unit and includes , but is not limited to , the following .
17 In 1910 carriage building was transferred from the locomotive works at Gorton , Manchester , to a new works at Dukinfield , where main-line and suburban carriages ( which were amongst the most comfortable in Britain ) were produced and from 1915 onwards fitted with Robinson 's anti-collision buffers and fenders , which gave improved protection from accidents .
18 Investment income is exempted from the 9 per cent national insurance tax , so they would not be touched by Labour 's abolition of the £21,060 ceiling .
19 The cholesterol saturation index was calculated from the tables provided by Carey .
20 When the reply card was received from the mother , a poster was sent , addressed to her baby , with a personalised covering letter wishing the baby well from the Better Shoe company .
21 In any cable system the programme signals are fed from the ‘ head end ’ down cable links into TV sets in homes .
22 The initial investment outlay is deducted from the sum of these present value cash flows to produce the NPV of a project ; the decision rule is that all projects yielding a positive NPV should be accepted and all projects yielding a negative NPV should be rejected .
23 The beautiful fourteenth-century cathedral in Den Bosch is suffering from the men drinking at the surrounding cafes and bars .
24 If special programme participants are subtracted from the temporary labour force we find that , whilst it grew between 1983 and 1986 , it did so only very slightly — by only just over five per cent .
25 Gall bladder volumes were calculated from the measured parameters with the software of the ultrasound unit , assuming that the shape of the gall bladder approximated a solid with elliptical sections , the excentricity depending on that at the level of the greatest transverse section .
26 If a group of carbon atoms are detached from the diamond and allowed to re-crystallise , they will rebond not as diamond but as graphite .
27 45% of Informix 's current revenue stream is derived from the Americas , whilst Europe generates 43% and the Asia/Pacific region accounts 12% .
28 A small intestinal biopsy specimen was taken from the third part of the duodenum , and routinely processed for histological examination .
29 To determine the tissue type plasminogen activator activity in the regional blood of rat stomach , a 200 µl blood sample was collected from the gastric vein before and after the injection of endothelin-1 which was then transferred to a glass container containing 10 µl disodium citrate dihydrate ( 0.13 M ) .
30 One such trip was during the first week that Mr. Shipsey started his business — the bakery door was open and Dad and I stood and watched the proceedings , I gazed in amazement as the tin loaves were drawn from the oven , trays of currant buns brought out , brushed with sugar water applied by a three inch brush and doughnuts sprinkled with sugar .
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