Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] that if [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 GEORGE GRAHAM last night assured the Football Association that if they do n't deal with Ian Wright , Arsenal will .
2 Monika Wulf-Mathies , leader of the public service employees union , warned state and local community employers that if they rejected the arbitrators ' recommendations her union would call an immediate strike ballot .
3 He had a pet theory that if you went flashing your torch about on night duty , any of the burglars would see that the light was going on .
4 Coun Dennis Howey told the planning committee that if it closed then local butchers and farmers would have to travel to Darlington and York .
5 And yet , so mechanical is this learning routine that if we interrupt such a bee while she is feeding she must take off and land again of her own accord , that landing permits her to choose the correct feeder colour on her next visit .
6 It is Government policy that if we have a single currency there can be no interference with the setting of monetary policy by the central bank .
7 Three years ago Darlington Health Authority entered into a commitment with the Leukaemia Unit Fund that if we raised the £250,000 required for building and equipping a new unit they would provide the necessary staff and resources .
8 Interestingly enough Larry Witty , the General Secretary of the Labour Party , said at last year 's Labour Party Conference that if it had not been for the steadily , steady influence of the unions during the eighties , when the Party was tearing itself in two , we would not have a Labour Party today .
9 I believe in the tall poppy syndrome that if you grow up too tall there will always be people ready to cut you down to size .
10 PRESIDENT Mikhail Gorbachev has warned his Communist Party colleagues that if they delayed in dealing with ‘ overdue changes , ’ they could suffer the same ‘ excesses ’ as their brothers in Eastern Europe .
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