Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] that [verb] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 This is a budget Chairman that builds on the achievements of the last four years , the care for our schools and it takes into account that the future will not be as rosy as we would like and allows for contingencies .
2 An emancipation settlement that turned on the advice of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was likely to treat serfs generously .
3 The wedding bells that sounded on the last page of so many ‘ romantic ’ novels of the last century are still sounding in certain genres but in the adventure story they seldom sound at all .
4 1968 ) and to some extent in the Scarman report that focused on the Brixton disorders in April 1981 ( Scarman , 1981 ) .
5 She took an instinctive step back and brushed against a small marble horse that stood on a pedestal .
6 There must be doubt as to whether the Government fully intended the severity of the monetary squeeze and the massive rise in the real exchange rate that impinged on the economy in those years , but it is not possible to overstate the economic shock that hit industry in 1979–1981 .
7 It was like a dark foreboding cloud that settled on every aspect of my personality .
8 I have arranged to visit the syringe exchange scheme that operates on the Lower East Side .
9 The various vibration bands for a given molecule have distinct band envelopes that depend on the symmetries of the vibrations concerned , because the rotational selection rules are different for different vibrational symmetries .
10 But the selectivity of H-7 for potentiated pathways has been challenged , and other PKC inhibitors that act on the catalytic subunit , including K-252b ( ref. 85 ) , are not able to depotentiate fully established LTP .
11 The trouble is that phosphates act as nutrients for green plants and the minute algae that grow on the surface of slow-moving water .
12 The Evaluation and Monitoring Sub-committee agreed a ‘ working ’ framework for evaluation of the work of the Enterprise Centre that focused on the evaluation of one or two objectives within each area of work .
13 While Sinclair 's revolutionary keyword and syntax checking system works well for the beginner it tends to stifle the development of keyboard familiarity that occurs on a regular computer keyboard .
14 ( As we shall see , it is members of the conflict theory camp that concentrate on the structure of these material constraints on behaviour . )
15 She hesitated and her fingers began pleating a paper serviette that lay on the table ; then , glancing briefly at Rachel and taking a deep breath , she continued , ‘ But I was heartbroken over something else as well , and it was n't David .
16 As er Chairman of the last countryside forum that met on the twenty ninth of April ninety three , it 's the week before the County Council elections .
17 Standard features can include items such as leather trimmed steering wheel , one-touch electric window controls , exterior temperature indicator , electrically adjustable door mirrors and even a specially-shaped garment case that stows on the underside of the rear parcel shelf .
18 After an hour he came to a small roadside inn that stood on the crest of a shallow hill and , twisting in his saddle , he saw that the inn gave him a good view of the road right to the horizon so that he would see any French pursuit long before it represented any danger .
19 Nails said , towards the kitchen door , ‘ I 'm goin' out , ’ picked up a leather jacket that lay on the floor , shrugged it on and opened the door again .
20 For example , in flowering plants the haploid stage is reduced to the pollen tube , derived from a haploid pollen grain that falls on the stigma of a flower and grows until it reaches and fertilizes the egg cell that lies in the flower 's ovary .
21 For the first time , money purchase schemes have been allowed to contract out ( i.e. pension schemes that depend on the outcome of investments rather than a formula based on contributions ) .
22 He slept in tombs and caves and was attacked by wild dogs and brigands ; inside an unventilated tent he worked in desert temperatures with collodion chemicals that boiled on the glass-plate negatives .
23 Conflict is thus blamed on bad management , lack of leadership , poor communication , or ‘ bloody-mindedness ’ on the part of individuals or interest groups that impinge on the organisation .
24 The latter are legislative committees set up to take the committee stage of a bill and they have to reflect the division of party strength that exists on the floor of the House .
25 Near the Clonmacnoise entrance , the river had overflowed into the fields , beside a misshapen castle tower that perched on a hummock , balanced at an angle and looking as if it were about to fall over .
26 All this suspicion arose from the first nylon yarn that appeared on the market .
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