Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [was/were] [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Thus in Cooper v. Wandsworth Board of Works it was held that demolition powers vested in the defendant Board were to be subject to notice and hearing requirements .
2 In the provinces , distress committees were to be responsible for both the registration of applicants and the provision of work .
3 Julias Lukasiewicz , from Carlton University in Ottawa , Canada , said that if new high speed trains were to be successful in North America then they had to include a new track like the Japanese Bullet trains or the french TGV .
4 Yet , said Mr. Watkinson , Lord Bridge can hardly have had it in mind that the private law right which he plainly regarded as coming into existence when the duty laid down in section 65(2) arose could give rise to a public law duty as to the manner in which the private law right was to be satisfied .
5 Do you want t well yes , County Council criteria was to be acceptable in respect of the provisions of essential infrastructure , particularly surface water and foul drainage and water supply .
6 It was a colleague , Everard Bone , who with his wife Mildred was to be one of the guests at the dinner party that evening .
7 Principle , as well as expediency , therefore ensured that public service broadcasting was to be impartial .
8 The Activist Confederations were to be associate members who were to disseminate the belief in corporatism throughout the community .
9 Local authority social service departments were to be responsible , in collaboration with medical , nursing and other interests for assessing individual need , designing care arrangements and securing their delivery within available resources .
10 Ration cards were to be available next day and without these it would be impossible for the Joyces to stay .
11 It was not clear from the report which items of library expenditure were to be involved in that figure .
12 A ‘ baby boom ’ now could provide a large number of teachers in 20 years ' time ; but if in 15 years ' time , the birth rate were to be low , there would be insufficient children for these teachers to teach ( unless pupil/teacher ratios were to be changed ) .
13 a simple example if the contingency sum was to be six hundred thousand pounds , the balance were go to the structure , er we would have the er interest on the six hundred thousand pounds contingency sum only er
14 It was not only in the area of economic ideas and cultural criticism that the First World War was to be important to the roots of British fascist thought .
15 The existing age of transfer was to be kept at eleven to keep the time in grammar school to at least four years , since the ‘ new ’ school leaving age was to be fifteen .
16 The social fund was significant for three main reasons : it replaced individual rights based on regulations with discretion which was to be applied by social fund officers ; the budget for social fund payments was to be cash-limited ; and most payments would be in the form of loans rather than grants .
17 The South Sea Company was to be excused payment of sums of £4.1 million , but not the £1 million due on Exchequer bills .
18 If permission were granted , any resulting increase in land value was to be subject to a development charge .
19 However , the reformism of this period did not appeal only to manual workers , and among men of the 1945 cohort of voters middle class electors were in fact more likely to be Labour than working class electors were to be Conservative .
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