Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [noun sg] and it [is] " in BNC.

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1 Ferranti is looking increasingly isolated in the UK defence electronics scene and it is difficult to see the institutions tolerating such an exercise or forgiving lightly the management for the International Signal and Control takeover .
2 The relapse , however , may be due to a chemoattractant with secondary amplification by local neutrophil leukotriene production and it is of note that twice as many leukotrienes are found in ulcerative colitis mucosa than in Crohn 's disease .
3 ‘ The loss of retail space is regrettable , but the proposal complies with the Local Plan Shopping Policy and it is proposed to use the ‘ shop windows ’ to sell sporting prints . ’
4 It was actually made by the Fender custom shop and it 's very similar to the Eric Clapton model ; Lace Sensors with the mid-boost which I can switch on and off and adjust .
5 April is the NHIC 's National Home Improvement Month and it 's also a great time of year to take a look at your home and see what needs doing .
6 At the moment we 're in the biology lecture theatre and it 's tremendous fun to be able to come all together like this .
7 Our Fish of the Week contest offers superb prizes from the best selling DAM range and it 's easy to enter .
8 You 've got the ma erm course maths coursework and it 's gon na take place .
9 From the survey , it would seem that many bureaux which own the microfilm system find many uses for it within the bureau when it has not been taken out for an outreach advice session ; it is used for training purposes in order to demonstrate access to and use of information in CAB advice work and it is also used for giving talks to outside groups .
10 Its function is landfill gas monitoring and it is available in single or dual-detector configurations .
11 C's attraction is that it lends itself to structured programming more readily than assembly language programming and it is within a C language shall that the assembly language modules should be inserted .
12 Some of these functions are best performed by University Institutes , some by a Curriculum Development Centre , some by a Curriculum Planning Unit and it is therefore possible that functions which may hitherto have been seen as either wholly performed by this body or that may increasingly be undertaken in partnership .
13 This is a decision by the Natural Environment Research Council and it is for the best scientific reasons .
14 I stuck it on with silicone sealant glue and it is unaffected by salt spray or moderate heat .
15 All posts are subject to the local government superannuation scheme and it is widely acknowledged that this is one of the most attractive schemes offered anywhere .
16 My audition for Leeds was a sight reading job and it 's something that you get from drama training — work that helps you cope with the sight reading at an audition — yes .
17 In practice brute consistency breeds believability and it 's unflagging consistency that convinces others of personal commitment .
18 Operating from batteries alone , the vehicle is of course a zero emission car and it is expected that the majority of commuting will be in this mode .
19 The park has been used regularly for 30 years by Yorkshire County Cricket Club and it is also home to Middlesbrough rugby and cricket clubs .
20 I have one message for the whole primary health care team and it is : take chest pain or chest discomfort seriously ; if you make a mistake when the diagnosis is hiatus hernia nobody will mind very much ; the other way round you risk lives .
21 Seven o'clock tonight it 's er Radio Nottingham Sport and it 's Colin on tonight , and er John from ten until midnight with a behind the scenes look at This Is Your Life with Roy and John 's talking to Geoff as well who 's er a painter of reproductions of art history .
22 In the big top , Radio Cleveland entertain in the morning followed at 2pm by Radio 2 's John Sachs who will be inviting listeners to take part in the Bank Holiday Quiz and It 's Your Radio 2 .
23 In Darlington there are in excess of 3,000 people on the council 's housing waiting list and it is growing longer by the day . ’
24 In Darlington , there are in excess of 3,000 people on the council 's housing waiting list and it is growing longer by the day .
25 So all this about the North Rose Trophy and it 's just When you see You f you said you felt like panicking .
26 In Amazonia he 's what is called in the Garrimpo world , a donno The owner of the gold digging area and it 's machinery .
27 but why is it necessary to , why is n't the Centenary Sports Ground and it 's at Road .
28 Fucking hey must be lunatics it 's only a single lane carriageway hurar hurar and it 's a one way street , dead end fucking inverted brain leg it of the moon , the sun
29 My I wanted to do , is said my name is Jonathan do do , doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo do da da da da da da da money dee da my name is Jonathan ee ee ee dee doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo din din din din din din my name is Jonathan din din din and it 's mine and it 's mine oh oh oh mum mum bom bom bom bom bom , bomby om bomby om doo de doo doo doo doo dee dee dee dee doo doo doo dee doo doo dee dee dee I said my name is Jonathan come on mum I kept the cassette going .
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