Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [prep] [noun] [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Although incomes in the 1980s were substantially higher in real terms than they were at the end of the 1950s , there has been no sustained decrease in inequality ; in fact , as we saw in chapter 5 ( figure 5.5 ) , income inequality in Britain increased sharply after 1976 .
2 Random insertions to balanced tree files that use two index entries per track took rather less time as the overflow percentage in the file built up .
3 In other words , while many LEAs became greatly sophisticated in their thinking about the school curriculum , the variety of curriculum practice between schools remained largely unchallenged and the autonomy of the individual school remained sacrosanct .
4 Reduce the incidence of drug misuse through strategies aimed particularly at young people .
5 Three main opposition groups in Yugoslavia united yesterday to contest Slovenia 's first free elections scheduled for next March , Tanjug news agency reported .
6 Why were most of the tin mines in Cornwall closed earlier this century ?
7 Record company talent scouts in Dublin had already expressed an interest in her , but not the rest of the band .
8 In fact only two liaison groups in England met regularly from the beginning of 1985 ; from September 1985 meetings were arranged twice a term for these two groups .
9 Aid workers from the Bosnia Aid Committee of Oxford had apparently gone missing for 4 days in the war zone .
10 For years before that , however , football enthusiasts in Glasgow had long been agitating for an international match against the deaf footballers of England , without success .
11 Labour unrest in Germany grew as 300,000 workers , east and west , walked out in support of striking east German engineering workers .
12 A Boys Brigade team from Stirling beat over 100 teams from all over the country to win the 1991 West Lowland Hike .
13 Then take a limiting case : if nobody but the original painter or painters of the great roof bison of Altamira had ever seen this work ( and comparable work may still be lying undiscovered ) , would any of us wish , on our first sight of it , to deny its status as art because it had not been consciously exhibited ?
14 The bank gives warning that industry expectations of inflation had still not reached the level consistent with keeping price rises in the target range .
15 Industry sources in Newry said today that negotiations with a European company were at ‘ an advanced stage ’ , while a second project was also being negotiated .
16 The excitable Delhi poet Mutahhar of Kara went even further : ‘ The moment I entered this blessed building , ’ he writes , ‘ I saw a soul-animating courtyard as wide as the plain of the world .
17 When Coleman looked into this , DIA assets in Lebanon reported that much of it was being printed there , with large numbers of genuine $1 bills being bleached to provide the right paper for phony $100 bills .
18 Among these 17 patients , five also had endoscopic biopsies ; two at first had false negative biopsy specimens with malignancy found only on subsequent biopsies one month and one year later .
19 General Michael Dugan , the US Air Force Chief of Staff sacked recently by Defense Secretary Richard Cheney , is no MacArthur .
20 A boat trip from Pensarn gave only small thornback and dogfish .
21 The manor house in Hampshire had long since passed from the family , the fortune was diminished ; but Sir Hugo 's long and melancholy face framed by a collar of exquisite lace still stared with arrogant condescension at the passing crowd , the definitive seventeenth-century Royalist gentleman .
22 A source familiar with intelligence operations in Ulster said yesterday : ‘ Nothing is more sensitive in the whole field of intelligence than their identities . ’
23 Sometimes , indeed , Father Barnes suspected that the brogue was less acquired than assumed , a music hall stereotype of Irishness adopted either out of marital togetherness or from some less recognizable need .
24 Many Frenchmen whom I met on several occasions at the Training Centre at Achnacarry and on the South Coast of England had also gone , either killed or wounded .
25 At Grand Central , New York , the Vanderbilt search for opulence had even outrun the French Empire style of the first Grand Central with its great conventional train-shed behind .
26 The home side at times pulled almost everybody back in the second half to withstand the threat of Giggs and the equally elusive Lee Sharpe , although Sheffield also forced chances of their own .
27 The Vance-Owen peace plan for Bosnia seemed thereby gravely threatened .
28 It is claimed that about half of the almost 4,000 senior management posts in companies controlled directly or indirectly by INI were ‘ superfluous sinecures ’ ( Graham 1985 : 97 ) , available for distribution as political favours .
29 Also in ITV 's winter package of programmes announced yesterday include Jilly Cooper 's new lust-in-the-saddle mini-series Riders and a controversial documentary series The Good Sex Guide hosted by Making Out star Margi Clarke .
30 Towards the end of the campaign perceptions of bias became more widespread ( Table 6.4 ) .
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