Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [vb past] that [pers pn] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 In July 1990 , for example , many arbitrageurs who had written futures contracts to buy FTSE 100 Index futures found that they were short of the FTSE contract close to the expiry deadline , and so attempted to reduce share prices to reduce the value of the index .
2 As he plunged his fork into the confection Therese reflected that it was very difficult not to like a man who enjoyed life as much as Willi Zimmermann .
3 It was the first indication Newman had that she was interested in him .
4 Wilson 's reputation as a talent scout ensured that she was not out in the cold for long .
5 No one in the CRA delegation understood that it was unheard of for a non-Unionist procession to enter that area .
6 At one point in the Report , the Wolfenden Committee argued that it was illogical to presume that boys needed greater protection from ‘ would-be seducers ’ than do girls .
7 There were angry scenes outside the flats yesterday , as a tenants ' group called on Aberconwy Council to demolish the two-storey buildings and borough officials insisted that they were still perfectly safe .
8 Then to her final and total humiliation Phoebe found that she was actually having a good time ; she was enjoying her mother and her mother 's easy authority and charm .
9 On Nov. 25 the new coalition government announced that it was to close the prison in the north-western town of Eskisehir where human rights groups had alleged that torture of political prisoners took place .
10 A White House spokesman said on April 9 that the US had " no position " on the question of Kurdish " safe havens " , and a State Department spokesman said that he was unable to give the proposal " specific endorsement " .
11 Blood tests revealed that she was not the Twiggs ' natural child .
12 On March 28 an Interior Ministry spokesperson said that it was possible that former Communist leader Todor Zhivkov himself might be implicated in the crimes committed in the camps .
13 The trial judge found that it was not foreseeable that fuel oil on water would catch fire but there was some foreseeable damage in the fouling .
14 Separately , Digital Equipment Corp announced that it was moving back into South Africa with a wholly-owned subsidiary , Digital Sales and Services South Africa ( Pty ) Ltd , which begins operation on July 1 .
15 Most obviously , its rising trade-union support ensured that it was to become the party of the working class , a process which was speeded up by the split within the Liberal Party during the First World War .
16 It was very much part of the evidence that the banks ( although Union Discount 's expert witness claimed that they were not a bank ) continued to discount bills presented by Berg , despite the fact that Berg 's 1983 accounts were late and that the only accounts of record [ 1982 ] showed net assets of only about £250,000 against potential exposures measuring many millions .
17 Unfortunately , the Law Commission thought that it was not appropriate to provide different standards according to the nature of the transaction ( para 3.8 ) .
18 It will have damaging consequences which willl flow from it not being targeted tightly on violent offences , as the Home Secretary suggested that it was .
19 At the end of his campaign Ortega announced that it was time to " put away the olive green " ( the colour of the Sandinista Army uniform ) and expressed the hope that the electoral process would " open a new chapter in co-operation between the USA and Nicaragua " .
20 In London , the Home Office confirmed that it was processing applications for leave to remain on behalf of the three .
21 The Home Office confirmed that it was still looking for a ‘ parliamentary opportunity ’ to fulfil the promise .
22 Sir Anthony says : ‘ In his letter to the Licensing Unit principal , the Stock Exchange representative said that he was sceptical of the ‘ bad guys becoming clean ’ touch and was concerned about the future of the UK portfolio clients and the extent of resources within the portfolios . ’
23 After Pearl Harbor Rhee felt that it was simply a question of time before Korea regained her independence and he could assume power .
24 But early in 1988 , the Scottish Examination Board indicated that it was ready to issue and certificate short courses .
25 It was half-past midnight , and some time before sunrise Ebenezer Judge knew that he was going to die .
26 Security officials feared that it was re-establishing itself in the region , possibly with the help of the small Catalan secessionist group Terra Lliure .
27 For a moment Donaldson supposed that he was in a stable but no , the smell was wrong , dry and musty and not nearly so strong as the fertile stink of horses .
28 Contemporary eye witnesses said that they were the graves of Germans shot by Soviet soldiers .
29 A local business entrepreneur added that it was incredibly hard to get funds from LEDU .
30 Soon after its talks with Wells Fargo fell through , Security Pacific announced that it was cutting back its international operations , once a big growth area , because of bad loans in Britain and Australia that had contributed to a $230m fourth-quarter loss .
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