Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [coord] [verb] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 1.8 " Architect " means ( name ) of ( address ) or such other person as the Landlord may from time to time appoint to perform the functions of the architect under the Building Contract and notify to the Tenant as having been so appointed It may be that the landlord will entrust supervisory functions to a surveyor or some other suitably qualified person .
2 In 1991 , for example , Fareed Armaly and Christian Philipp Muller cloned the banal façade of the building and relocated it full scale at the edge of a forest : ‘ Fassade Galerie Nagel 1:1 ’ showed the same , faceless , empty apartment building but joined to a work belonging to Munich art dealer , Hanns Daxer and his wife ( to which ‘ Fassade ’ now also belongs ) .
3 It is more usual nowadays to use computer metaphors and refer to the programming of learning ( e.g. Pulliam & Dunford , 1980 ) .
4 The less energetic could take the easy walk to the cable car and ride to the summit of Mount Mottarone .
5 Cut out the pelmet fabric and lining to the pattern shape with a 2.5cm ( 1in ) allowance all round .
6 Had it been a real train the sound would have faded off towards the west — away from the hostel instead , and we could now hear the engine as well ; it came towards the hostel over the non-existent harbour branch and clattered to a stop , perhaps at one of the wharves .
7 Real Madrid never recovered from an own goal by Brazilian defender Rocha and crashed to a 2–0 UEFA Cup defeat against Torino at Turin .
8 But many member firms are concerned that control of any new system should be taken away from the Stock Exchange and given to a new independent agency , or even the Bank of England itself .
9 She led him down the side passage and pointed to a shelf .
10 A deposit of 10% ( non-refundable ) made payable to Brighton Borough Council and sent to the Accommodation Marketing Bureau must be sent within seven working days ( 21 for overseas bookings ) .
11 A procession of blackclad dignitaries streamed down the road like a column of soldier ants and came to a halt on the bridge .
12 He was nursing a drink in the living room and listening to the strains of a Bach cantata when she came down .
13 The soldiers withdrew from the living room and went to the front of the house .
14 In New Zealand 's ’ King Country' — so called because of the Maori kings who fought a guerrilla war against the settling English — Maori lads fresh from rounding up the droves of merino sheep from the bush clad hills would have a night out in the one horse town and go to the fleapit .
15 Intensity data were collected on oscillation films and processed to a final dataset with a merging R factor of 0.074 for 50–2.8 resolution .
16 Housewives were told to hand them in after they had been used in the stock pot and fed to the dog , after , after which the bones were to be washed and dried in the oven after the gas and electricity had been turned off .
17 This is Harry Belafonte 's anti-apartheid record : the whole album rises and falls to the distant drum of black resistance in South Africa .
18 A study in COLOMBIA found that an integrated service with proper medical back-up cost four times as much per person-year of protection as a straight female sterilisation drive and led to a wide-ranging cost-cutting exercise .
19 She switched on the car radio and hummed to the beat of the pop music .
20 And that does n't mean that Raw Stylus just stick a rap on their records in an attempt to gain club credibility and pander to the ( already much-maligned ) jazz rap tag .
21 Goldner toyed with the offer , but decided to stay on at the Getty after negotiating a new contract that allowed him to remain in his hometown of New York most of the year ( with short stays in Malibu ) , in effect managing and adding to the Getty 's collection in absentia .
22 Burning coal , gas and oil all produces carbon dioxide and adds to the greenhouse effect .
23 No one can take the 20-minute boat trip or fly to the airstrip without police permits which are hard to obtain .
24 Essex saw the positive effects of such siting when , in 1987 , they were forced to leave local college premises and move to a shop in Harwich .
25 In normal times , I might have been on the next flight out and by morning Miss Schlegel — a schoolgirl , yes , but what a schoolgirl , probably tanned , certainly firm and bouncy , and unquestionably an amateur theologian of weird and savage genius — would have found herself thickly slathered in Noxzema Regular Protective Shave Formula and roped to a groyne .
26 They are sucking up to you because they never grew up , and they never grew up because ( if men ) they are ashamed that they are not like me or ( if women ) have never been admitted into full womanhood by being slathered with Noxzema Regular Protective Shave Formula and roped to a groyne .
27 Dawn is well qualified for her new role — before joining Courtaulds she was involved in two car fires and came to the aid of her partially sighted father when a fire broke out in his kitchen .
28 However , once it starts to turn brown , separate away from the pond walls and fall to the bottom , it must be removed .
29 In arctic and alpine environments the surface is often seen to be composed of a layer of angular rock fragments commonly described by the term felsenmeer and attributed to the operation of frost weathering .
30 The machine does n't even need to be switched off ; it monitors the card slot and adjusts to the new card automatically .
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