Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [noun prp] [conj] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 By careful husbandry , Venables rebuilt the side with signings such as solid defender Neil Ruddock and promising forward Darren Anderton .
2 Souness first hit the headlines as a teenager when he absconded from his first club Tottenham Hotspur and ran away from London to his home in Edinburgh .
3 Derek Warwick , returning to Interlagos after a long absence , found it tough going in his Footwork Mugen Honda and ended up 19th on the provisional grid .
4 I also heard He spent some time in charge of North East Counties side Tadcaster Albion but did n't last long .
5 I suspect the answer lies in the demographic changes of the 1980s , which showed a substantial and unexpected in-migration to Scotland , on the same scale and pattern as the ‘ incomers ’ to Wales who were selling off expensive property in south east England and settling down on the proceeds .
6 To their credit , they 've all but ditched RDF 's cringeworthy word polemics , giving a greater role to singer Linda Goodman and infusing almost all their songs with a wealth of nightmarish samples .
7 Norman Carlin opened up an 11–2 lead against club lead Alan Lambert and went on to win well by 21–12 while Terry Clarke led all the way to beat John Allison comfortably 21–12 .
8 Police in Florida believe Magaly Carr , 29 , telephoned father-of-three Mr Bates and set up the fateful meeting where her boyfriend carried out the killing .
9 Can I pick up on that last point Professor Lock and throw out a question generally in response to what you and Mr Donson have said .
10 The midday sun glinted against the bronze bas-reliefs of famous battle scenes on Napoleon 's column as Chantal steered the Harley-Davidson through the place de l'Opéra and turned down the busy rue de la Paix .
11 Of course Oswald Mosley , our own exponent of Fascism , went a bit far in that direction , but he was worth some support if he stuck to the Mile End Road and did n't provoke clashes in such cherished halls of entertainment as Olympia and the Albert Hall .
12 Leicester will be without former Middlesbrough keeper Kevin Poole and left back Mike Whitlow , who are both injured .
13 That was largely due to John McKee who started off as sweeper but ended up playing in front of teenage centre back Mark Molloy and cut out many threatening moves .
14 The tragic toll was reached at 8.30pm when gunmen boarded a bus outside a Catholic club in Republican West Belfast and singled out their victim who they shot at point-blank range .
15 The all-rounder was immediately taken off by captain Jeff Teiman and did not bowl again in the match .
16 Despite the absence of injured quarterback Neil O'Donnell and suspended tight end Eric Green , it was business as usual for Pittsburgh as Foster ran for 168 yards and two touchdowns .
17 In the furnace control office I found shift foreman Keith Thomas and asked innocently if he had any physical problems : ‘ Not since my vasectomy . ’
18 He withdrew striker Steve Flanagan and brought on young Sean Dowling at right-back , Farnham were thus able to rely on a strong midfield presence of Millard , Daly and May , with Deighan and Stairs looking to stretch Cranleigh wide on the flanks .
19 There are , in fact , two ‘ exiles ’ — scrum-half David Millard and lock forward Damian Cronin , lock-forward — in the 30-strong squad , with two others , Paul Burnell and Derek White , unavailable through injury and retirement , respectively .
20 The schoolboys built up an early lead with first half tries from lock Owen Redmond , full-back John Ennis , scrum-half Brian O'Meara and wing forward Derek Suffern .
21 The impact of de Gaulle 's words , which were transmitted to Algeria via Radio Monte Carlo and picked up by soldiers on their transistor radios , was again critical .
22 Gramsci 's analysis is taken up by the Italian sociologist Alessandro Pizzorno and applied particularly to the ‘ Amoral Familism ’ thesis of Banfield .
23 It is also a clear-sighted revision of Clementine , with a sharp politician ( James Stewart ) poaching John Wayne 's credit for ridding the territory of sub-human outlaw Lee Marvin and riding on to success in the 20th Century while Wayne dies broke and drunk .
24 Rain and Oliver crossed the rue de Rivoli and looked up at Cobalt 's flat .
25 Of course , the star of Happy Days was Ron Howard , who played teen everynerd Richie Cunningham and went on to direct Parenthood , Backdraft and the recent Oirish immigrant western Far And Away .
26 But Sandra is probably at her best in her live shows , which she writes with her partner John Boskovich and performs alone apart from a band .
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