Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [adv] if [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 The Hospital quickly became unable to cater for all the victims of ill health , disaster and old age , and eligibility became restricted to merchant seamen only if they had served for some period in the Royal Navy .
2 Scamp had done thirteen months of a two-year stretch and he could 've got out in a coupla months more if he 'd kept his nose clean .
3 Of course you could have become Lord Mayor then if you 'd been an alderman ?
4 Although the Court of Appeal 's decision was obiter dictum , the investors should be made aware that the knowledge gained from their " due diligence " may prohibit any subsequent warranty claim even if it has not been disclosed by the managers .
5 ( It did n't come near the hair line so if he had n't kept tapping it no one would have noticed it . )
6 As the reader will appreciate , a country can fund a continuing current account deficit only if it has limitless reserves of gold and foreign exchange or unlimited foreign borrowing power .
7 ( This displays the ruler line even if you have not done so already . )
8 One disadvantage of warning colours is that they may attract killers who might have missed the prey animals altogether if they had not been so gaudy .
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