Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [be] [adj] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 However , other workers who studied the effect of gliclazide in diabetic subjects have felt that the beneficial effects of gliclazide on platelet function were likely to be due to its hypoglycaemic action rather than to any direct effect on haemostatic function ( Paton et al , 1982 b ) .
2 Curran points out that a rough woodland canopy is likely to be more affected by variations in the solar angle than is a smoother grassland canopy .
3 Despite some resistance from independent options traders , only the index contracts are likely to be traded via open outcry on the new trading floor .
4 He suddenly remembered that Stephen Blufton 's information about drug smuggling was due to be put to the test that day .
5 The relationship between the bureau and its sponsors is such that the constraints on budget maximisation are likely to be weaker than the factors operating in its favour .
6 In Britain bone mass screening is unlikely to be introduced on public health grounds , but interest will continue as screening is popular with the public , politicians , equipment manufacturers , drug companies , and organisations allocating research grants .
7 After nomination the candidate is entitled to be present at the issue of postal ballot papers , to visit the polling stations and the candidate , the candidate 's spouse ( if any ) , and ( except in parish or community elections ) the candidate 's election agent are entitled to be present at the count together with a number of counting agents .
8 However , additional genetic or environmental factors leading to more severely impaired β cell function are likely to be necessary for the development of non-insulin dependent diabetes .
9 An aggregate approach may not be too unrealistic given that assessments of the returns on overseas bond and equity investments are likely to be dominated by exchange rate expectations .
10 The relevant factors to consider in investment appraisal are likely to be different for each product and can be determined only through a thorough understanding of the company 's and industry 's actual and specific situation .
11 The Football Association are sure to be unswayed by this set-back , as they were by the failure to score in the opening European championship games against Denmark and France and then by the defeat by Sweden .
12 Lead adviser roles are likely to be governed by more extensive regulations than for non public deal management roles .
13 However , because I believed that much of this increased protein synthesis was likely to be associated with the production of new synapses , or the modification of old ones , it was important to look not at proteins in general but at synaptic membrane proteins in particular .
14 But with up to 92 flights a day over Upper Heyford , members of the local action committee are likely to be even more concerned tonight .
15 The simple blood test is likely to be offered to women when they first attend ante-natal clinics , usually around the 12th week of pregnancy .
16 Lower gear ratios are likely to be suitable when the motor 's speed capability is restricted .
17 Bream are a long-lived species and a six or seven pound fish is likely to be an elderly one .
18 It would be helpful if the Minister could indicate when the whole review process is likely to be completed .
19 While the entry price is likely to be high , price-performance should show a big advance on the current generation of mainframes , but it is questionable whether there will be big demand for the machines : sceptics will point out that once again MVS , and this time DB2 as well , will be being asked to do something that they were never designed to do .
20 Section 14(1) provided that , subject to dispensations to be determined by the Secretary of State for Transport , a fishing vessel was eligible to be registered in the new register only if
21 For primary data , a marketing research organisation is likely to be used .
22 Alternatively , an SBU may be following a product-differentiation policy , in which case , depending on the type of industry , progress in product development and field tests , success in taking out patents , the results of early market-research tests and various other indicators provide early signals of whether the investment policy is likely to be successful .
23 One particularly difficulty in applying the rule against churning to the futures markets is that , because of their volatility , an active investment strategy is likely to be necessary .
24 But the monetary authorities in most advanced countries normally do make such contingency plans , and therefore the administration lag is unlikely to be excessive .
25 Anyway , one day the farmer who owned the street knocked on the door and told us that my pig father was due to be made into bacon .
26 In practice , export cartels are not pursued by competition authorities in any of three jurisdictions discussed in this issue , though in the UK export agreements are supposed to be notified to the Office of Fair Trading .
27 Although primary aluminium prices are likely to be significantly higher in 1994 than 1993 , it will be 1995–96 before the industry enjoys the full benefit of rising demand , according to analysts at Billiton-Enthoven Metals in their latest review .
28 For instance in a university library a new work of research in a subject relevant to the university 's research interests is sure to be ordered , whatever the book 's subsequent reception by reviewers , or its physical format , or ( within bounds ) its price .
29 The investment bank is unlikely to be able to squeeze monopoly rent from a relationship .
30 In the Royal Docks in the eastern segment of the LDDC , a comprehensive renewal project is likely to be effected , costing about £2.5 billion .
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