Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [conj] [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It was assumed that the food reinforcement in some way strengthened the response tendencies that led to the food , at the expense of other response tendencies .
2 Clinton sat down beside the slop bucket and smiled at the two men .
3 The whole great crime story wave that began in the last years of the nineteenth century and rose to its towering peak in the 1920s and 1930s began with the short story .
4 We have doubled our medical input to our immunisation clinics and struggled through the difficulties of vaccine availability only to be informed that we are working for no reward .
5 This early collaboration with the adviser Proved to be mutually beneficial as it was an attempt by the adviser to persuade schools to place microcomputers away from the maths or physics department and helped in the school library service policy of validating the links between the school library and information technology .
6 It was an idea she had thought of in a vague way yesterday , when she had seen the extent of the gravel ridge that ran beneath the two estates .
7 He listened to a baseball update and waited for the sponsor 's commercial before turning to her .
8 An emancipation settlement that turned on the advice of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was likely to treat serfs generously .
9 In 1990 Alvarez was abducted from his home in Guadalajara by bounty hunters and smuggled into the USA where he was delivered to the DEA .
10 The wedding bells that sounded on the last page of so many ‘ romantic ’ novels of the last century are still sounding in certain genres but in the adventure story they seldom sound at all .
11 But a minute or two later , as they turned out of the car park and headed for the road that led back to the villa , Ronni gave way to the growing desolation within her .
12 The court found that detectives had rewritten interview notes and lied during the 1986 trial .
13 The ridge is quickly gained and on this peach of a day was absolutely magnificent , with the hills retaining sizeable patches of spring snow that sparkled in the hazy sunshine .
14 Sqd Ldr Jimmy Malley had a distinguished career with bomber command and flew in the legendary Wellington F for Freddie , featured in the film Target For Tonight .
15 When I opened an upstairs window and looked into the ravine ( this was in winter , so it was easy to see the tracks ) , Zverev 's works , and those of some other artists , were lying out in the snow .
16 Hongkong Bank steered clear of the mania to lend to third-world countries that peaked in the early 1980s .
17 The man went berserk , smashed a side window and climbed onto the roof of the moving vehicle , police said .
18 Not that the Manner — which he intended should be so admired later in the week on Parents ' Evening — was particularly in evidence on the Monday , as he sat at his study desk and went over the plans for that event with his wife .
19 Blanche yawned and leant back against the aluminium bar that ran round the inside of the lift .
20 The soldiers withdrew from the living room and went to the front of the house .
21 Cassie left the two of them in the sitting room and hurried into the kitchen to prepare the coffee .
22 The officer pointed towards the Hungarian frontier post and descended upon the next vehicle in the queue .
23 He went downstairs to the rumpus room and rummaged behind the tiny bar , and , after digging through a seemingly endless collection of empty pop bottles , came up with half a bottle of rye and some ginger ale .
24 A further source of income could be obtained from leasing the considerable shooting and fishing rights that belonged to the farm .
25 Those in the know say that ‘ vibe ’ was a hippy term that disappeared in Dublin during the punk purges but resurfaced in the late Eighties when a town bathing in the warm glow of U2 's global ascendancy rediscovered its ( hippy ? ) roots .
26 Housewives were told to hand them in after they had been used in the stock pot and fed to the dog , after , after which the bones were to be washed and dried in the oven after the gas and electricity had been turned off .
27 And so we very nearly had to write the unusual story of the inaugural air mail flight that flew without the air mail .
28 Only three other patients had amylase secretion rates that fell within the control range .
29 She had thought the department store that stood opposite the theatre unassailable in its pale-green elegance .
30 He shows no regret at not maintaining the movie career that started in the Sixties .
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