Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [conj] [verb] at the " in BNC.

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1 TWO men have appeared in court in connection with a gang fight and shooting at the Market Trader pub in Kirkby .
2 TWO men have appeared in court on charges following a gang fight and shooting at the Market Trader pub , Kirkby .
3 Clinton sat down beside the slop bucket and smiled at the two men .
4 Professor John Ashworth , vice-chairman of the committee of vice-chancellors and principals ( CVCP ) , also urged Mr MacGregor to use ‘ a heaven-sent opportunity to go back to the drawing board and look at the entire issue of how students are supported — grants , loans and fees . ’
5 Now , one man was examining the steel tubes and struts of the scaffolding , dusting the surfaces with aluminium powder and squinting at the result through a lens ; another was on his knees scrutinising the staging planks in case some fibres from the killer 's clothing had become caught in the rough grain of the wood .
6 He is chosen from among the Princes of Ulthuan on the death of the previous Phoenix King and crowned at the massive pyramid Shrine of Asuryan located on an island in the Sea of Dreams , outside the borders of any of the kingdoms .
7 Briefly he considered making for Belpan City and Caspar at the US Embassy but there was no certainty of the DEA Agent being there , and Louis would have men covering the city docks in case any of the Government returned from electioneering out on the Keys — that much was certain .
8 ‘ Feed him cotton wool sandwiches and wait at the other end ! ’ said the vet .
9 Visit the famous Keukenhof Gardens and marvel at the thousands of flowers displayed with perfect artistry in the greenhouses and beautiful landscaped gardens spread across the 65 acre estate .
10 I sat by the fire and read the file twice , then I went back into the kitchen , made myself some more tea and a chicken sandwich and sat at the table , eating the sandwich and thinking about things .
11 This was the party which left one man dead and one on a life support machine — an all night rave billed as Dance Planet and held at the Humming Bird club in Birmingham .
12 His eye fell on it for the first time as it sprang onto the marble plinth and clutched at the neck of the vase to steady itself .
13 One should be able to face death , ’ I cried earnestly , standing in the middle of this desert town and shouting at the sun .
14 Although most research in settlement geography has been directed at settlement systems , or the distribution of villages , it is also important to consider village development or planning at the micro-scale of design or general layout .
15 In this chapter , I have tried to assess the provisions of WFP in the light of the financial management agenda that existed at the end of 1988. 1 have endeavoured to look at the principles behind its proposals , rather than the detailed systems requirements necessary to make them work .
16 ( 9 ) An evidence questioning question questions that look at the veracity of the evidence , e.g. " On what do you think the weavers of the tapestry based their picture ? "
17 Doyle indicated the tall building , just visible behind the scattered beech and ash trees that clustered at the bottom of every garden , and along the small roadways .
18 He took out a clasp knife and sawed at the nut .
19 With over 6,5OO voluntary reresentatives across Britain , any eligible person need only look in their local telephone directory or ask at the Citizens Advice Bureau for the nearest SSAFA office and write one letter or make one call .
20 The items below are included in the check list that appears at the end of this book .
21 She examines the connection between the curriculum and the deviance of boy and girl pupils and looks at the possibilities of combating sexist curricula .
22 Hundreds of people were there and I only saw the Queen at the beginning when she came out with Prince Philip and the Queen Mother and stood at the head of the terrace whilst a band played the National Anthem .
23 power circuits are now in ring mains , where the cable is in a continuous loop starting and finishing at the consumer unit .
24 He followed her , but stopped in the living room doorway and looked at the room .
25 On Thursday we drew the whole thing together ending up with team practice and looking at the videos in the evening .
26 Mrs Blakey , recognizing that something was wrong , rapped sharply on the landing window and beckoned at the children .
27 Soviet Persian language broadcasts described the Soviet Gulf plan as aimed at the defence of the Persian Gulf countries against any foreign intervention and at securing the self-determination of the regional nations , including Iran .
28 He 'd auctioned his wine cellar and chuckled at the £28,000 it made .
29 He sipped at his can of diet soda and grimaced at the taste .
30 Outside , the garden was empty ; but Ruth found Adam where she 'd expected , under the big chestnut tree that grew at the end of the lane .
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