Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [conj] [verb] to a " in BNC.

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1 The MR signal is derived from energy released from hydrogen nuclei when subjected to a radio frequency pulse within a uniform magnetic field .
2 In 1991 , for example , Fareed Armaly and Christian Philipp Muller cloned the banal façade of the building and relocated it full scale at the edge of a forest : ‘ Fassade Galerie Nagel 1:1 ’ showed the same , faceless , empty apartment building but joined to a work belonging to Munich art dealer , Hanns Daxer and his wife ( to which ‘ Fassade ’ now also belongs ) .
3 Had it been a real train the sound would have faded off towards the west — away from the hostel instead , and we could now hear the engine as well ; it came towards the hostel over the non-existent harbour branch and clattered to a stop , perhaps at one of the wharves .
4 Real Madrid never recovered from an own goal by Brazilian defender Rocha and crashed to a 2–0 UEFA Cup defeat against Torino at Turin .
5 This is why we are able to report that THE WORLD OF TWIST were involved in a horrifying car crash whilst travelling to a children 's TV Show this very weekend .
6 But many member firms are concerned that control of any new system should be taken away from the Stock Exchange and given to a new independent agency , or even the Bank of England itself .
7 She led him down the side passage and pointed to a shelf .
8 A procession of blackclad dignitaries streamed down the road like a column of soldier ants and came to a halt on the bridge .
9 Intensity data were collected on oscillation films and processed to a final dataset with a merging R factor of 0.074 for 50–2.8 resolution .
10 This film documentary has a little of that flavour , but chooses to showcase the songs and monumental sights instead — rolling rock video as opposed to a study of the rich culture clash that later flourished in the fine ‘ Diesel And Dust ’ LP .
11 If for example , you wanted to make a previously designed garment in a yarn or a stitch pattern that knits to a different tension , you would simply load the required file from the disk and enter the new tensions in place of the original ones .
12 Investment advertisements that relate to a particular investment or investment services must , unless they are only being issued to non-private customers , contain specific contents .
13 It is very much a system 's search mechanism as opposed to a search strategy initiated or purposefully carried out by the user .
14 A study in COLOMBIA found that an integrated service with proper medical back-up cost four times as much per person-year of protection as a straight female sterilisation drive and led to a wide-ranging cost-cutting exercise .
15 Essex saw the positive effects of such siting when , in 1987 , they were forced to leave local college premises and move to a shop in Harwich .
16 In normal times , I might have been on the next flight out and by morning Miss Schlegel — a schoolgirl , yes , but what a schoolgirl , probably tanned , certainly firm and bouncy , and unquestionably an amateur theologian of weird and savage genius — would have found herself thickly slathered in Noxzema Regular Protective Shave Formula and roped to a groyne .
17 They are sucking up to you because they never grew up , and they never grew up because ( if men ) they are ashamed that they are not like me or ( if women ) have never been admitted into full womanhood by being slathered with Noxzema Regular Protective Shave Formula and roped to a groyne .
18 The tests were done using the ProSciCard Program ( Pro Science GmbH , Linde , FRG ) whereby a standard electrocardiograph ( ECG ) recording was amplified by an ECG preamplifier and fed to a Pro Science laboratory computer .
19 It was agreed by Mrs Buckingham , who had always resisted the false belief about the pain in her daughter 's back , that Harriet should stop lying around on the hall seat and go to a school founded in the 1840S for the further education of gentlewomen .
20 On 11th May the Bill was given a Second Reading and referred to a Select Committee , which met on 10th July with Molesworth as Chairman .
21 At the current exchange rates that amounts to a mere £159 .
22 Also using a rudder control but coupled to a spreader bar in the bridle , was the Target kite developed by Paul Garber assisted by Lloyd Reicher and Stanley Potter.This was a kite for the specific purpose of training small calibre gunners and on the Eddy-shaped sail , an outline of the Japanese Zero fighter appeared in silhouette .
23 From his pocket , he pulls out an exercise book and turns to a page with a map of the world on it .
24 When filing , use a disposable emery board as opposed to a metal file .
25 The rumours were further fuelled by a general statement Conran had previously made about the responsibilities of a group chairman when talking to a journalist .
26 in his lordship 's opinion it was designed to provide the thrill and enjoyment of waterskiing without the constraint of boat and towrope. as such it was not a vessel used in navigation and therefore not subject to the marine conventions act 1911 which imposed a 2 year limitation period as opposed to a 3 year limitation period .
27 The injected 108bhp 1.6-litre CVH engine , five-speed manual gearbox and three-door body are blended with uprated springs and dampers , 185/60 low-profile tyres and steel wheels with plastic trims and body changes that extend to a black rear spoiler and body colour bumper sections .
28 There were strict controls over the export of capital and the City 's ability to invest abroad ( outside the group of countries known as the Overseas Sterling Area and consisting to a large extent of former members of the Empire ) was restricted .
29 Any deposits received in advance are entered in the cash book and posted to a composite account in the ledger in which is entered all deposits received .
30 This included what Court ( 1957 ) described as pressure field climatology and led to a range of approaches which included weather patterns and air mass climatology , all of which provided a more effective reflection of processes .
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