Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [adv] have [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Thus northern communities that live above subsistence level generally have to be subsidized , and can expect to survive only while subsidies last ; their continuance depends on political decisions , which vary from one part of the north to another ( Armstrong and others , 1978 ) .
2 To be seen clearly under an optical microscope , cell tissues often have to be stained to increase contrast .
3 ‘ The openings , the stonework and roof tiles usually have to be preserved . ’
4 However , if they are maintained — and car boots still have to be checked for goods that may exceed the allowances in worth — then the whole dream of a frontier-free Community will be lost .
5 Counselling responses often have to be rapid , based on personal judgement rather than precise theoretical principles .
6 At the same time , serious threats to the stability of the infant democracy also had to be confronted .
7 The risks of a court case also have to be in the forefront of your mind .
8 Illicit drug use also has to be set against the context of prescribed drug-taking .
9 A spokesman for Mr Millan said that today 's commission recommendations still have to be examined by the European Parliament before a final decision , possibly as late as June , by national government ministers in the Council of Ministers .
10 For example , despite the computer revolution , the language of computer users still has to be interpreted to the uninitiated ; and for clients in the health care system , the vocabulary of staff is often unintelligible or , when only snatches are overheard and understood , is open to misinterpretation and can cause the client and family great distress .
11 A solution of the Ernst equation ( 11.17 ) is then given by ( 12.56 ) where α is a constant and the functions and are obtained by integrating the equations ( 12.57 ) The boundary conditions then have to be applied .
12 The steady state theory therefore had to be abandoned .
13 The nature of the urban crisis , to which town planning was addressed , also changed in that housing solutions increasingly had to be prepared in recognition of public opinion .
14 Lighting columns now have to be to regulation safety standards , and it is hoped that the new lights chosen will be complementary to the street .
15 The draft directives still have to be adopted by the European Commission , approved by EC governments and the European Parliament .
16 Why is it , for instance , that coronary care cover frequently has to be sought from outside London ?
17 Variation in prey type also has to be considered , for there is differential digestion of such groups as voles , mice and shrews .
18 The growing complexity of the tasks undertaken by the schools produced a new emphasis on careers guidance and upon counselling , for both of which staffing provision now had to be made .
19 However , if there is more than one speaker , each has to be provided with an individual microphone , and the speech signals therefore have to be fed to the camcorder via an audio mixer ; hence , tie-clip mikes are not suitable for use with large groups of people .
20 Particles in the seed bracket usually have to be soaked and boiled before use .
21 Stiffened toe and heel boxes usually have to be provided .
22 Erm by nineteen forty eight erm the Communist Party had argued that three conditions had to be there for land reform to take place and that was that how that the area had to be militarily stable , the majority of peasants erm rich peasants had to be mobilized er had to want to be demanding land reform and the Party cadres there had to be adequate in numbers and quality .
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